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Charles Helm | profile | all galleries >> Pictures for Rescues >> Abby tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


We are fostering Abby for the National Anatolian Shepherd Rescue Network ( We just picked her up today (2-9-07) and are still getting to know her but she appears to be calm and well behaved at this point. She loaded up in the truck by herself and seem to know "sit." She weighed 74.5 pounds at the shelter and is spayed and estimated at three plus years old.

Update March 8, 2007: Abby came down with a respiratory ailment but antibiotics cleared that up and she has a lot of energy and a good appetite. She will sit, shake, sort-of stay, crates on the "go to bed" command, and seems to be a house dog. She loves companionship and is quite affectionate. She sometimes lets her excitement overwhelm her desire to follow commands but on balance is a sweet and loving girl.

Update: We adopted Abby in 2011 before losing her after a lengthy and frustrating illness.
Abby Sits
Abby Sits
Lying Down Profile
Lying Down Profile
Resting on the Sidewalk
Resting on the Sidewalk
Looking at the Camera
Looking at the Camera
Looking Up -- Good Sit
Looking Up -- Good Sit
Where the Sidewalk Begins
Where the Sidewalk Begins
Standing for a Picture
Standing for a Picture
Looking Over Her Shoulder
Looking Over Her Shoulder