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Cheryl Hawkins | profile | all galleries >> Pbase Peeps >> I Visit Jeanne and Tony tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

I Visit Jeanne and Tony

I got to visit Jeanne and Tony in San Francisco and it was fun! I got to see
Larry again, too. Jeanne's gallery of our visit is here.
Jeanne and Larry
Jeanne and Larry
v3/72/433772/3/45448648.CRW_0243_RT8.jpg Awesome Larry
Awesome Larry
The Thinker
The Thinker
Sausalito Ferry
Sausalito Ferry
Sailboat Against the Golden Gate
Sailboat Against the Golden Gate
The GG
The GG
Rock Man
Rock Man
Shooting the Bay Bridge
Shooting the Bay Bridge
Jeanne Surrounded by Paparazzi
Jeanne Surrounded by Paparazzi
Urban Canyons
Urban Canyons
Malodorous Muni Madness
Malodorous Muni Madness
Jeanne on the beach
Jeanne on the beach
Play Misty For Me
Play Misty For Me
Beautiful Sunset
Beautiful Sunset
Fishermen at Ocean Beach
Fishermen at Ocean Beach