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Big Mike | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bridge of Sighs.... > 5 Feb 2006
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5 Feb 2006

I must say that I have a thing for bridges... We were in Büdingen, which is a city in the Wetterau in Hesse, Germany. It is known for its medieval stronghold, which is still in good condition, and for its timber-framed houses. We were out and about with Dougie and his wife. Lovely pair which we look forward to spending time with again in the future. Looking forward to the next time mate!!

Canon EOS 350D
1/400s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Shmuel Halevi09-Feb-2006 19:13
Very nice scenic shot
Felicia Popescu 07-Feb-2006 09:47
Nice shot, looks like a medieval atmosphere, you would expect a knight to come riding over the bridge in order to save his princess from a broken heart ;-) Beautiful colours and nice perspective too.
Dougie Young06-Feb-2006 09:34
Thanks Mike we enjoyed the day very much. This shot has turned out great, guess the frog took a back seat eh. Cheers Dougie
Guest 05-Feb-2006 21:30
I see only stucco, steel and glass, so I love to see bricks, period! I love the details of the bridge and the walls, excellent image. GMV
chrisse05-Feb-2006 20:38
Beautiful shot !
chrisse05-Feb-2006 20:38
Beautiful shot !
Guest 05-Feb-2006 20:34
Great shot mike, looks like you had a fun day out with Dougie:-)
Beverly Wickersham05-Feb-2006 20:16
NIce shot, and a great subject. Bridges are like barns or lighthouses. There are so many types, you would never tire of shooting them.