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catalyst | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Eagle at Tuttle Creek.jpg
Eagle at Tuttle Creek.jpg
Great egret.jpg
Great egret.jpg
Juvenile Bald Eagle.jpg
Juvenile Bald Eagle.jpg
Juvenile 2.jpg
Juvenile 2.jpg
Pied-billed grebe.jpg
Pied-billed grebe.jpg
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.jpg
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.jpg
Juvenile Starlings.jpg
Juvenile Starlings.jpg
Yellow-shafted Flicker.jpg
Yellow-shafted Flicker.jpg
Carolina Wren.jpg
Carolina Wren.jpg
Sandhill cranes.jpg
Sandhill cranes.jpg
Snowy Egret.jpg
Snowy Egret.jpg
Black-crowned Night-heron.jpg
Black-crowned Night-heron.jpg
Northern Shoveler.jpg
Northern Shoveler.jpg
Song Sparrow.jpg
Song Sparrow.jpg
American Tree Sparrow.jpg
American Tree Sparrow.jpg
American Avocet.jpg
American Avocet.jpg
Black-necked Stilt.jpg
Black-necked Stilt.jpg
Red-bellied Woodpecker.jpg
Red-bellied Woodpecker.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
GBH on ice.jpg
GBH on ice.jpg
Bald Eagle landing.jpg
Bald Eagle landing.jpg
Greater White-fronted Geese.jpg
Greater White-fronted Geese.jpg
Thats why its called a.jpg
Thats why its called a.jpg
0978 quick.jpg
0978 quick.jpg
Downy Woodpecker.jpg
Downy Woodpecker.jpg
Least Sandpipers?.jpg
Least Sandpipers?.jpg
Brown Thrasher.jpg
Brown Thrasher.jpg
Wilsons Phalarope.jpg
Wilsons Phalarope.jpg
Great Egret coming in.jpg
Great Egret coming in.jpg
Great Egret landing.jpg
Great Egret landing.jpg
Orchard Oriole.jpg
Orchard Oriole.jpg
Baltimore oriole immature.jpg
Baltimore oriole immature.jpg
Red-winged blackbird female.jpg
Red-winged blackbird female.jpg
Barn swallow.jpg
Barn swallow.jpg
Eastern Wood-Pewee.jpg
Eastern Wood-Pewee.jpg
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.jpg
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.jpg
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher2.jpg
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher2.jpg
Dickcissel female.jpg
Dickcissel female.jpg
 Baltimore Oriole female.jpg
Baltimore Oriole female.jpg
Western Kingbird juvenile.jpg
Western Kingbird juvenile.jpg
Belted Kingfisher female.jpg
Belted Kingfisher female.jpg
Eastern phoebe.jpg
Eastern phoebe.jpg
Osprey at Tuttle Creek.jpg
Osprey at Tuttle Creek.jpg
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (immature).jpg
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (immature).jpg
Belted Kingfisher.jpg
Belted Kingfisher.jpg
Hooded Mergansers.jpg
Hooded Mergansers.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Eastern Bluebird.jpg
Young red-tail2.jpg
Young red-tail2.jpg
Rock Wren.jpg
Rock Wren.jpg
Harris's Sparrow.jpg
Harris's Sparrow.jpg
Long-billed Dowitchers.jpg
Long-billed Dowitchers.jpg
Baird's Sandpiper.jpg
Baird's Sandpiper.jpg
Eastern Meadowlark.jpg
Eastern Meadowlark.jpg
Males sparring 4.jpg
Males sparring 4.jpg
Great Horned Owl chicks.jpg
Great Horned Owl chicks.jpg
Lesser Yellowlegs.jpg
Lesser Yellowlegs.jpg
Hybrid cinnamon/blue-winged teal.jpg
Hybrid cinnamon/blue-winged teal.jpg
Hybrid 2.jpg
Hybrid 2.jpg
Yellow-rumped Warbler.jpg
Yellow-rumped Warbler.jpg
Lark Sparrow.jpg
Lark Sparrow.jpg
Red-tailed Hawk Chick.jpg
Red-tailed Hawk Chick.jpg
Western Kingbird.jpg
Western Kingbird.jpg
Baltimore Oriole.jpg
Baltimore Oriole.jpg
Common Yellowthroat.jpg
Common Yellowthroat.jpg
Yellow Warbler.jpg
Yellow Warbler.jpg
Northern Shoveler.jpg
Northern Shoveler.jpg
Least Tern.jpg
Least Tern.jpg
Least Tern.jpg
Least Tern.jpg
Black Tern square.jpg
Black Tern square.jpg
Black Tern.jpg
Black Tern.jpg
Eastern Wood-Pewee.jpg
Eastern Wood-Pewee.jpg
Western Tanager.jpg
Western Tanager.jpg
Mountain Bluebird.jpg
Mountain Bluebird.jpg
White Pelican.jpg
White Pelican.jpg
Harlequin Duck.jpg
Harlequin Duck.jpg
Three-toed woodpecker female.jpg
Three-toed woodpecker female.jpg
Trumpeter swan.jpg
Trumpeter swan.jpg
Belted kingfisher juvenile.jpg
Belted kingfisher juvenile.jpg
Black tern (nonbreeding).jpg
Black tern (nonbreeding).jpg
White-faced Ibises.jpg
White-faced Ibises.jpg
Marbled godwits.jpg
Marbled godwits.jpg
Marbled godwit in flight.jpg
Marbled godwit in flight.jpg
Marbled godwits2.jpg
Marbled godwits2.jpg
Semipalmated sandpiper.jpg
Semipalmated sandpiper.jpg
Pectoral sandpiper.jpg
Pectoral sandpiper.jpg
Solitary sandpiper 1.jpg
Solitary sandpiper 1.jpg
Solitary sandpiper 2.jpg
Solitary sandpiper 2.jpg
Solitary sandpiper 3.jpg
Solitary sandpiper 3.jpg
American Pipit.jpg
American Pipit.jpg
Northern Harrier hunting.jpg
Northern Harrier hunting.jpg
Least Sandpipers.jpg
Least Sandpipers.jpg
American Bittern in 30 mph winds.jpg
American Bittern in 30 mph winds.jpg
Harrier 5726.jpg
Harrier 5726.jpg
Least sandpipers.jpg
Least sandpipers.jpg
Pied-billed Grebe.jpg
Pied-billed Grebe.jpg
Greater yellowlegs.jpg
Greater yellowlegs.jpg
Juvenile Dark-morph Red-tailed hawk.jpg
Juvenile Dark-morph Red-tailed hawk.jpg
Sandhill cranes.jpg
Sandhill cranes.jpg
Juvenile Northern Harrier.jpg
Juvenile Northern Harrier.jpg
Eastern Towhee.jpg
Eastern Towhee.jpg
Bald Eagle.jpg
Bald Eagle.jpg
Stilt Sandpiper.jpg
Stilt Sandpiper.jpg
White-rumped Sandpiper.jpg
White-rumped Sandpiper.jpg
Sharp-shinned hawk.jpg
Sharp-shinned hawk.jpg
Golden-fronted Woodpecker.jpg
Golden-fronted Woodpecker.jpg
Great-tailed Grackle.jpg
Great-tailed Grackle.jpg
Green Jay.jpg
Green Jay.jpg
Golden-fronted Woodpecker female.jpg
Golden-fronted Woodpecker female.jpg
Northern Parula.jpg
Northern Parula.jpg
Plain Chachalaca.jpg
Plain Chachalaca.jpg
Couch's Kingbird.jpg
Couch's Kingbird.jpg
Clay-colored Thrush.jpg
Clay-colored Thrush.jpg
Altamira Oriole.jpg
Altamira Oriole.jpg
Common Pauraque.jpg
Common Pauraque.jpg
White Ibis.jpg
White Ibis.jpg
Virginia Rail.jpg
Virginia Rail.jpg
Great Kiskadee.jpg
Great Kiskadee.jpg
Golden-fronted Woodpecker.jpg
Golden-fronted Woodpecker.jpg
Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-Heron.jpg
Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-Heron.jpg
Circle dance.jpg
Circle dance.jpg
Brown Pelican at Tuttle Creek.jpg
Brown Pelican at Tuttle Creek.jpg
Forster's terns.jpg
Forster's terns.jpg
Forster's 3.jpg
Forster's 3.jpg
Forster's 4.jpg
Forster's 4.jpg
Yellow-headed Blackbird.jpg
Yellow-headed Blackbird.jpg
White-rumped Sandpiper.jpg
White-rumped Sandpiper.jpg
Avocet defending nests.jpg
Avocet defending nests.jpg
Indigo bunting.jpg
Indigo bunting.jpg
Juvenile Anna's hummingbird.jpg
Juvenile Anna's hummingbird.jpg
California thrasher.jpg
California thrasher.jpg
Bushtit female.jpg
Bushtit female.jpg
Williamson's sapsucker with chick.jpg
Williamson's sapsucker with chick.jpg
Olive-sided Flycatcher.jpg
Olive-sided Flycatcher.jpg
American Goldfinch.jpg
American Goldfinch.jpg
Brown Thrasher.jpg
Brown Thrasher.jpg
RHWO in flight.jpg
RHWO in flight.jpg
Lark Sparrow.jpg
Lark Sparrow.jpg
Loggerhead Shrike.jpg
Loggerhead Shrike.jpg
Cactus Wren.jpg
Cactus Wren.jpg
Spotted Sandpiper.jpg
Spotted Sandpiper.jpg
Lincoln's Sparrow.jpg
Lincoln's Sparrow.jpg
Le Conte's Sparrow.jpg
Le Conte's Sparrow.jpg
Northern Harrier.jpg
Northern Harrier.jpg
Song Sparrow.jpg
Song Sparrow.jpg
Greater Roadrunner.jpg
Greater Roadrunner.jpg
Summer Tanager.jpg
Summer Tanager.jpg
Prothonotary Warbler.jpg
Prothonotary Warbler.jpg
Painted Bunting female.jpg
Painted Bunting female.jpg
Ash-throated Flycatcher.jpg
Ash-throated Flycatcher.jpg
Broad-tailed Hummingbird.jpg
Broad-tailed Hummingbird.jpg
Yellow Warbler.jpg
Yellow Warbler.jpg
Painted Bunting.jpg
Painted Bunting.jpg
Juvie BCNH.jpg
Juvie BCNH.jpg
Evening Grosbeak.jpg
Evening Grosbeak.jpg
Willow Flycatcher.jpg
Willow Flycatcher.jpg
Song Sparrow.jpg
Song Sparrow.jpg
California Quail.jpg
California Quail.jpg
Great Horned Owl.jpg
Great Horned Owl.jpg
Harris's Hawk.jpg
Harris's Hawk.jpg
Barn Owl.jpg
Barn Owl.jpg
Hermit Thrush.jpg
Hermit Thrush.jpg
Vermillion Flycatcher.jpg
Vermillion Flycatcher.jpg
Acorn Woodpecker.jpg
Acorn Woodpecker.jpg
Gila WP.jpg
Gila WP.jpg
Curve-billed Thrasher.jpg
Curve-billed Thrasher.jpg
Ring-necked duck.jpg
Ring-necked duck.jpg
Phainopepla M.jpg
Phainopepla M.jpg
Greater Roadrunner.jpg
Greater Roadrunner.jpg
Anna's (?) Hummingbird.jpg
Anna's (?) Hummingbird.jpg
Cactus Wren.jpg
Cactus Wren.jpg
Imm Vermillion Flycatcher.jpg
Imm Vermillion Flycatcher.jpg
Harris's Hawk.jpg
Harris's Hawk.jpg
Peregrine Falcon.jpg
Peregrine Falcon.jpg
Prothonotary Warbler.jpg
Prothonotary Warbler.jpg
Hooded Warbler.jpg
Hooded Warbler.jpg
Cerulean Warbler.jpg
Cerulean Warbler.jpg
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.jpg
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.jpg
Northern Flicker.jpg
Northern Flicker.jpg
Wood Ducks.jpg
Wood Ducks.jpg
Yellow-rumped Warbler.jpg
Yellow-rumped Warbler.jpg
American Bittern.jpg
American Bittern.jpg
Am. Redstart.jpg
Am. Redstart.jpg
Warbling Vireo.jpg
Warbling Vireo.jpg
Scarlet Tanager.jpg
Scarlet Tanager.jpg
Swainson's Warbler.jpg
Swainson's Warbler.jpg
Louisiana Waterthrush.jpg
Louisiana Waterthrush.jpg
Hooded Warbler female.jpg
Hooded Warbler female.jpg
Hooded Warbler.jpg
Hooded Warbler.jpg
Gambels female 2927.jpg
Gambels female 2927.jpg
Gambels male 2938.jpg
Gambels male 2938.jpg
Roadrunner nosh.jpg
Roadrunner nosh.jpg
Snow Storm.jpg
Snow Storm.jpg
Mostly Snow Geese.jpg
Mostly Snow Geese.jpg
Feeding time.jpg
Feeding time.jpg
Three coming in to feed.jpg
Three coming in to feed.jpg
Cooper's on juniper.jpg
Cooper's on juniper.jpg
Scaly-naped Parrot.jpg
Scaly-naped Parrot.jpg
Scarlet-fronted Parakeets.jpg
Scarlet-fronted Parakeets.jpg
Yellow-crowned Redstart.jpg
Yellow-crowned Redstart.jpg
Crowned Woodnymph female.jpg
Crowned Woodnymph female.jpg
Yellow-bellied Chat-tyrant.jpg
Yellow-bellied Chat-tyrant.jpg
White-whiskered Spinetail.jpg
White-whiskered Spinetail.jpg
Montane Foliage-gleaner.jpg
Montane Foliage-gleaner.jpg
Santa Marta Brush Finch.jpg
Santa Marta Brush Finch.jpg
Bicolored Conebill.jpg
Bicolored Conebill.jpg
Chestnut Piculet.jpg
Chestnut Piculet.jpg
Russet-throated Puffbird.jpg
Russet-throated Puffbird.jpg
American Flamingos.jpg
American Flamingos.jpg
Mom plus seven.jpg
Mom plus seven.jpg
Cooper's 547.jpg
Cooper's 547.jpg
Cooper's 556.jpg
Cooper's 556.jpg
Sharpie and HoFi.jpg
Sharpie and HoFi.jpg
Cooperative Cooper's.jpg
Cooperative Cooper's.jpg
American Flamingos.jpg
American Flamingos.jpg
Lesser Goldfinch.jpg
Lesser Goldfinch.jpg
Mom with six.jpg
Mom with six.jpg
Who's leading whom?.jpg
Who's leading whom?.jpg
Three siblings.jpg
Three siblings.jpg
Sandhill Cranes and Moon 1.jpg
Sandhill Cranes and Moon 1.jpg
Sandhill Cranes and Moon 2.jpg
Sandhill Cranes and Moon 2.jpg
Sandhill Cranes and Moon 3.jpg
Sandhill Cranes and Moon 3.jpg
Spotted Towhee.jpg
Spotted Towhee.jpg