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James Ross | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nearly Daily > 14th January Ice
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14th January Ice

Canon PowerShot Pro 1
1/13s f/8.0 at 22.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ceya27-Apr-2008 09:13
Beautiful capture! V
Guest 05-Mar-2008 00:39
Excellent in color and curves.
Terry Bowker05-Jan-2008 15:38
Wonderful capture! Congratulations on your "Show and Tell" win!
Guest 05-Jan-2008 10:44
Congratulations on winning the 69th S&T - beautiful rich colours - nice shot!
Eckhart Derschmidt13-Feb-2006 23:32
This one is excellent, both colours and composition!
Guest 18-Jan-2006 21:59
Striking ice forms in that cold clear blue
Guest 15-Jan-2006 22:09
Smashing James..the ice..heather..reeds..
viljamix15-Jan-2006 20:30
Very nice, like the colour and the smooth surface of the ice.