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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The beauty of insects (11 subgalleries)! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The beauty of insects (11 subgalleries)!

My favourite photographic subject is macro, I enjoy nothing better than hunting insects in the garden or woodland, I'm trying to show how beautifully intricate they can be, their beauty is in their colouration or delicacy of their wings or body;like dragonflies or the way they hunt or care for their family units; like bees and wasps!
Once you start to learn about their daily lives you realise the intricacies that make them fascinating.
They are not to be squashed or trod on because humans are scared of them!

Feel free to come back to visit; as these galleries will be updated regularly throughout the seasons!

The images are taken with my Canon 100mm macro and 3 extension rings and buckets of patience and my trusty kneepads of course!
:: Bees ::
Butterflies and Moths - 5 subgalleries
:: Butterflies and Moths - 5 subgalleries ::
:: Damselflies ::
:: Dragonflies ::
Ladybirds 1 subgallery!
:: Ladybirds 1 subgallery! ::
Beetles -  order Coleoptera
:: Beetles - order Coleoptera ::
Flies and Hoverflies
:: Flies and Hoverflies ::
Crickets and Grasshoppers: order Orthoptera
:: Crickets and Grasshoppers: order Orthoptera ::
:: Spiders! ::
The Secret Life of my Hedgerow!
:: The Secret Life of my Hedgerow! ::