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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Its only me! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Its only me!

This gallery are images of me taken by Dave, friends or by myself!

I have never liked even looking at photos of myself until I joined PBase and after seeing images of me taken by my friends I was quite surprised that I didnt look too bad!

And after seeing other PBasers galleries of themselves it inspired me to give it ago!

Wolfie and me enjoying the last of Summer!
Wolfie and me enjoying the last of Summer!
Back on the road again!
Back on the road again!
Lizard Queen!
Lizard Queen!
Just me!
Just me!
Look to the stars!
Look to the stars!
Immortality !
Immortality !
Birthday girls!
Birthday girls!
The new hat!
The new hat!
What camera?
What camera?
Me and my car!
Me and my car!
Bev's shot of me shooting others!
Bev's shot of me shooting others!
Nicky's pik of me!
Nicky's pik of me!
Windswept look!
Windswept look!
Me and Jaspa!
Me and Jaspa!
me by bev
me by bev
My Boy!
My Boy!
Quadding biker chick!
Quadding biker chick!
Cazi fun!
Cazi fun!
The Ring!
The Ring!
Biker Chick!
Biker Chick!
Shadowplay with the seals!
Shadowplay with the seals!
Just me and my Wolf and my Crocs!
Just me and my Wolf and my Crocs!
Bin Quadding!
Bin Quadding!
Meercat surprise!
Meercat surprise!
The snow queen.
The snow queen.
So ladylike!
So ladylike!
Big White Hunter!
Big White Hunter!
In another world!
In another world!
The magic mirror!
The magic mirror!
If you have to wear it; match it!
If you have to wear it; match it!
Fingers and thumbs!
Fingers and thumbs!
Seeing red!
Seeing red!
Southpark Witchy!
Southpark Witchy!
Senorita Sparkles!
Senorita Sparkles!
Black lace and red talons!
Black lace and red talons!
The Gladiator!
The Gladiator!
Sensual Hearts and curves!
Sensual Hearts and curves!