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Carl-Johan Svensson | all galleries >> Birds >> ::My best bird pictures:: > Great Hornbill (male)
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Great Hornbill (male)

Khao Yai National Park, Thailand

Even at ISO3200 the 1DmkIII can produce a good result with a little post processing. But the bird should fill the frame to get more pixels to work with, as in this case when a male Great Hornbill came flying straight towards me and very low. When he saw me he turned away and I captured the moment. Many Hornbills were out flying late in this evening, some didn't even bother about us and came just a few meters above. Almost like being part of a fairy tale.

Canon EOS-1D Mark III ,Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM ,Canon EF 1.4xII
1/1000s f/8 iso3200 at 700mm handheld full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet01-Aug-2008 17:38
Very impressive bird. I saw and heard them 15 years ago in southern India.
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