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All Cameras >> Tokina >> Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX

Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 16-Nov-2007
Lens: 11-16mm f/2.8
Random Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX Samples from 3026 available Photos more
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DAVE FINCH11-Jul-2014 13:59
Didn't expect just how very good this lens is. Agree with all other comments mentioned here
Neil MacInnis04-Oct-2011 19:50
very, very happy with this lens. Some mild CA and some sun flaring but still the best wide angle I've ever snapped onto a nikon, Highly recommended
Charla Mason14-Sep-2010 03:02
Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X 116 DX ;;What sold me most was how well this lens works on my full frame camera canon 5D MkII and of course the F2.8 and sharp right to the edges. I get 115 degrees horizonal FOV with some cropping. How many full frame lenses do you know of that works at 11mm and not fisheye?
William Vogt31-Jul-2010 00:32
Impressive lens, better than the Tokina 12-24 which I sold. Very sharp, contrasty, good color. Fast. The only downside is the narrow range of focal length, but I can live with that. Build quality is excellent. I've had this lens for a week now and have taken many images at our local Ferrari/Maserati dealer. and
Daryl Chase03-Apr-2010 02:47
Yes, great lens sharp edge to edge and very well built. I'm very happy with my purchase.
Guest 29-Aug-2009 18:08
Amazing lens, great sharpnes at f/2.8, low distortion.
Build quality is on top.
Greg Harp30-Apr-2009 00:28
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X 116 Pro DX is one very amazing lens. It is a fast f/2.8 throughout its zoom range and is superbly sharp. From what I have seen distortion is very minimal and is easily eliminated via Photoshop and other products offering a lens correction filter. I am extremely happy with mine. :-) Greg Harp

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