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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony Mavica FD-200

Sony Mavica FD-200 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Jan-2002
Megapixels: 1.9
Random Sony Mavica FD-200 Samples from 3472 available Photos more
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Jeffrey Lewis Knapp10-Mar-2019 22:17
Sony Mavica FD-200 and Sony Mavica FD-100 is my camera of choice. Great timing and composition. This 200 is my second camera. I got 10,000 photos out of the first, FD-100 and now I am over 12,000 on my second camera the FD-200. I learned to not use the only moving piece on the camera, the on/off button so now the camera is lasting longer. My third camera is an FD-200 still in the box breand new unused and ready to go. Jeff Knapp
Jeffrey Lewis Knapp10-Mar-2019 22:16
Sony Mavica FD-200 and Sony Mavica FD-100 is my camera of choice. Great timing and composition. This 200 is my second camera. I got 10,000 photos out of the first, FD-100 and now I am over 12,000 on my second camera the FD-200. I learned to not use the only moving piece on the camera, the on/off button so now the camera is lasting longer. My third camera is an FD-200 still in the box breand new unused and ready to go. Jeff Knapp

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