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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSLR-A550

Sony DSLR-A550 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 27-Aug-2009
Megapixels: 14.2
Random Sony DSLR-A550 Samples from 13649 available Photos more
g2/38/725638/3/149288883.uobuiY61.jpg g1/64/707064/3/128432834.s44m7sj1.jpg g2/38/725638/3/149288830.LwRx35xf.jpg g1/85/581485/3/131553650.LBejjfE3.jpg
g4/64/707064/3/142521110.vHRHcWwO.jpg g4/38/725638/3/142844927.jLWBCrS0.jpg g6/38/725638/3/149976806.NVRypfxH.jpg g9/70/804570/3/152146008.Uq7zZVcE.jpg
g4/38/725638/3/145362313.xSnGJHCY.jpg g4/38/725638/3/142844620.SNr21Xmt.jpg g4/32/883532/3/135996898.TedrYJNU.jpg g10/49/678449/3/166401867.nuCR9cZN.jpg

Justin Miller18-Feb-2010 05:57
This camera was recently added to the Pbase camera list, a little late. Unfortunately, as of this writing, it is strangely listed at the very bottom of the camera list, below Sony's 1990's-era I don't foresee many folks finding it down there. But just in case someone does, and wants to see some shots from this excellent camera, feel free to check out my DSLR-A550 gallery, with hundreds of photos:

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