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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony Alpha 77

Sony Alpha 77 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as SLT-A77VQ
Marketed: 24-Aug-2011
Lens Mount: Alpha
Shutter Speeds: 30-1/8000 sec
Megapixels: 24.3
Random Sony Alpha 77 Samples from 72698 available Photos more
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blizzard15-Feb-2015 20:49
after 2 years using the a77 a can do camera under the worse weather conditions was worked perfectly if you can find a used body go for it excellent camera
blizzard12-Dec-2012 14:20
not an easy camera to get use to, not comming from a pentax nikon back round of 45 years
however I think sony is on the cutting edge I have taken the camera into 12000 foot bitter cold of -11 in driven snow and down to death valley , it was marvelous
excellent movie clips and very good low light photos . As I said it takes time to learn
but once you you learn you will be very pleased
Richard Tessier10-Feb-2012 02:11
It is an amazing box of technology. I have one and I don't won't anything else (I have a slt a65V).

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