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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma DP1

Sigma DP1 Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 31-Jan-2008
Lens Mount: Fixed
Megapixels: 14
Random Sigma DP1 Samples from 6588 available Photos more
g10/55/378855/3/166102813.jU6aoaiG.jpg g1/55/378855/3/116168830.xLCTW3Th.jpg g1/55/378855/3/108099390.UhbCA6RT.jpg g3/55/378855/3/124572789.BQfL2pmx.jpg
g1/55/378855/3/116641721.axRAZRTE.jpg g5/79/533079/3/98399381.hg6em3kg.jpg g1/82/265582/3/103633767.iDwuRxbg.jpg g1/55/378855/3/117712633.Oek58QBW.jpg
g1/87/478587/3/97063613.DLCMRS88.jpg g1/54/23854/3/104984228.evyA2mbz.jpg g1/27/87127/3/117974787.PDZ1lu7a.jpg g1/06/308206/3/97138107.UaHSaehh.jpg

Guest 22-Jan-2012 17:07
Stunning lens, makes a fantastic monochrome camera.Just love that sensor!
Tom LeRoy18-Oct-2010 19:40
Have some of my DP1s photos here
Tom LeRoy18-Oct-2010 19:40
Have some of my DP1s photos here
Guest 01-Sep-2008 07:02
All photos in the following gallery were taken with the DP1:
I enjoy using this camera!
Dominique Schreckling28-Jul-2008 17:29
I am using the DP1 now since a few months, and the image quality is absolutely stunning.
Guest 19-May-2008 17:18
I feet this is a camera with sharp lens and film-like sensor, although a bit slow.
Some very first photos I took with the Sigma DP1:
Guest 01-May-2008 05:00
And some of my DP1 snaps here:
Serhan22-Apr-2008 06:40
Great Falls National Park & Civil War Enactment in Washington, DC:
Erwin Roessler21-Apr-2008 19:49
Guest 09-Apr-2008 12:04
Some DP1 shots, including a gallery with a comparison between the Leica D-lux3, Canon 1D Mark 3, and the DP1. Guess who wins......
Serhan07-Apr-2008 02:52
Some of my DP1 day 1 images from DC/Cherry Fest 98, also including night time high ISO shots:
SP Merrill04-Apr-2008 17:49
Sandy Fleischmann01-Apr-2008 12:15
pbase doesn't update search-by-camera results very frequently.
I now have DP1 photos in which do not show up here
The Sigma Users Group Galleries16-Mar-2008 21:19
The Sigma Users Group Galleries15-Mar-2008 19:54
Chunsum13-Mar-2008 20:01

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These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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