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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX APO IF

Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX APO IF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1998
Lens: 70-200mm f/2.8
Random Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX APO IF Samples from 10847 available Photos more
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Guest 06-Jul-2005 22:44
good perfomance/price balance but too heavy,
Guest 06-Jul-2005 10:58
i recently bought this lens, after workin with a Canon 75-300 IS USM i now work with the DG version, and with a 1,4 TC.
I have to admit, it's a revelation.
pro's: + price!
+ rugged build
+ fast AF ( it never missed tha af run so far)
+ good sharpness, it's a bit soft full open but arn't they all
con : - an OS(Optical Stabilization) might have been handy
- weight, however you can hardly expect else
Guest 20-Mar-2005 12:47
I've owned this lens for a few months now and have been very impressed with the quality of the build and images. Like most photos from digital camera, a little post processing goes a long way in making the images *pop*
Guest 06-Jan-2005 04:11
Solid build, fast, smooth focussing, sharp at all apertures, price very acceptable - who could ask for anything more!?
Guest 17-Dec-2004 20:59
Focusing is not as fast as Nikon AF-S, but there is such a huge difference in price. If cost is a factor, then the lens has very little competition. It is sharp, contrasty, and handles well. ...As for the post that reads: 'little soft when shot at f/2.8', ...It's true, but EVERY lens is sharpest at the intermediate apertures.
Snapping Turtle14-Oct-2004 17:21
Great contant aperture telephoto lens. Focsusing is fast and accurate, especially the HSM for Canon, Nikon and Sigma counts. And im my opinion, pretty handsome looking. Good for both indoor and outdoor sports and portrait. It is a little soft when shot at f/2.8 however.
Slug08-May-2004 23:14
AF HSM Mount: Sigma SA, Nikon (D), Canon
AF Mount: Minolta, Pentax.
Slug15-Mar-2004 17:41
AF HSM Mounts on Sigma SA, Nikon (D) and Canon
AF Mounts for Minolta and Pentax.

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