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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM

Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 14-Feb-2005
Lens: 30mm f/1.4
Random Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM Samples from 3950 available Photos more
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Guest 07-Feb-2009 10:53
On my french website :
a huge test on Pentax K-m : sigma 30 VS Pentax DA 35 Ltd.
Guest 22-Aug-2007 23:54
This is a fabulous inexpensive lens for available light photography! Here are 2 galleries of mine taken mostly with this lens and my Nik.D40(x)
Guest 06-Aug-2007 16:31
I'm using this lens on a Rebel xti. I have no problems whatsoever with focusing. I find this lens to be extremely sharp and it has become one of my most used lenses. I am very happy with it.
Guest 15-Jul-2007 07:43
I'm using this lens on a D200 and have no problems with focusing - I know some report back or front focusing. If I have an issue, however, it's with the exposure calibration. It consistently overexposes by +0.7ev. This issue is also reported by Ken Rockwell As a Nikon D200 owner it's one of the few options to achieve a shallow DOF: If I could afford it I'd rather have a Canon 5d with a 50mm f1.2
Guest 10-Jun-2007 00:06
Impressive sharp lens. Some examples check my gallery:
Guest 04-Jan-2007 10:09
This 30mm is a good and versatile lens. Brilliant, sharp, a bit warm and very usable even at high aperture. The bokeh is not a lot but creamy and the colors are compact in the background. For me is extremely good for close-up portraits or for any use as a standard lens. The autofocus is simply amazing: fast and precise.
An example on FujiS3pro with f/1.4
An example on FujiS3pro with f/2.0
An example on FujiS3pro with f/2.8
Post a comment if you think this review was helpful.
Guest 16-Jun-2006 03:15
The price difference between the Sigma and say, the Nikkor 28mm f/1.4 quickly puts the capabilities and value of this lens into perspective :>
Slug02-Jun-2006 22:05
Available for Konica-Minolta and Pentax mounts as of 26-Feb-2006
Guest 17-Apr-2006 15:16
There's nothing wrong with the bokeh (my, how I hate that word) of this lens. Annoyed by the suggestion, I dashed outside and shot some quick pics to demonstrate. They're here:
Guest 02-Apr-2006 14:56
Lot of people talk about bokeh as a sign of sophistication, but unfortunately, few know what bokeh is. They should search and learn first, or else their comments only show ignorance.
Guest 27-Mar-2006 06:18
Well this lens was recommended to me on dpreview-so I came to chek out some images-
I will NEVER buy this lens-the bokeh is trerrible -it should be a lot more at f/1.4
My 17-40 4L makes better bokeh at f/4-this lens loosk very disappointing..
sorry to rain on it..
Guest 28-Feb-2006 13:19
No trouble with the autofocus here. I think it's a brilliant lens. It's true what they say about it being pretty sharp, at least in the centre, at 1.4.

I shot a band in very low stage lighting with it:
Of course they were jumping about like dervishes so there's still a fair bit of blur, but the keeper rate was astonishing.
Guest 25-Feb-2006 11:17
Wonderful lens, very fast and great for night shots, though the auto focus is kind of weird, yet I would say this is a MUST have lens :)
Marijka07-Aug-2005 23:39
love the lens--- makes evening photography a real trip!!! :)
Guest 02-Aug-2005 19:24
I have this lens and it is fantastic on my Rebel XT.
1) VERY sharp and usable even at F/1.4
2) Fast and quite autofocus
3) Nice fit and finish
4) Colors are warm to hot
5) I am very happy with this lens....
Guest 01-Aug-2005 19:33
hey, let's post some samples! ! ! ! !
Guest 29-Jul-2005 05:20
... err, nevermind. Two days after I gave up on the lens ever shipping (several months waiting), I finally received mine in the mail.
Guest 27-Jul-2005 19:06
I'm beginning to wonder if this lens is nothing but vaporware.

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