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Pentax smc P-DA 16-45mm f/4 ED AL Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 10-Dec-2003
Random Pentax smc P-DA 16-45mm f/4 ED AL Samples from 6994 available Photos more
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Guest 11-Jul-2010 02:52
Best kit lens. It is the reason that I still use a Pentax DSLR.
Guest 08-Aug-2007 17:26
Using this as my standard lens with the Pentax K10D. Although not quite as wide as I would like, excellent value, well built and sharp. Highly recommended.
Guest 28-Feb-2006 22:44
Great all around lens. On my camera about 50% of the time. See my samples here:
Guest 24-Jan-2005 04:15
i believe this to be the best kit lens, a standout above all the competitors, i have the nikon d70 with its 18-70 kit lens, and the 16-45mm outperforms it in every aspect.
Pagan Tsai29-Nov-2004 19:08
nice lens when u first time using Pentax DSLR.(istD or istDS)
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