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Pentax Optio S5i Digital Camera Sample Photos

u10/equipment/upload/41414020.optioS5i_angle2.jpgu10/equipment/upload/41414023.optioS5i_top.jpgu10/equipment/medium/41414022.optioS5i_front.jpgu10/equipment/upload/41414019.optioS5i_angle.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 25-Aug-2004
Lens Mount: Fixed
Megapixels: 5
Random Pentax Optio S5i Samples from 4163 available Photos more
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Guest 17-Nov-2005 14:43
I like it, although it's slow. That makes it hard to frame your picture properly when your subject is moving, but I guess that's common for P&S cameras. You can remedy that partially by setting the focus distance manually.
It's great when taking macro shots, for it's shallow DOF.
All controls are easy to use, and a real plus is the spot metering possibility.
Pictures are sharp enough, but the detail is not that brilliant if there's less than sunlight, but that may be because I'm used to viewing DSLR-made stuff here. Colours are pretty vivid though.
A minus for me, is that you can't take b&w pictures and use other options (like night settings) at the same time.
Overall opinion: an excellent point-and-shoot camera. I would never hesitate to buy it again. Mine may last forever though, because it's very sturdy.

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