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Pentax K10D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 13-Sep-2006
Lens Mount: KAF
Megapixels: 10.2
Random Pentax K10D Samples from 89261 available Photos more
g5/10/753610/3/99774723.lYKiEMCm.jpg g6/80/642180/3/74101226.4H2XW6CY.jpg g3/74/314174/3/88349559.kNOlcOyb.jpg g5/80/587480/3/119122565.ecA2vahd.jpg
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Robert Kreutzmann18-Sep-2008 20:53
Lots of pictures taken with this and other Pentax cameras and various Pentax lenses here
Robert Kreutzmann18-Sep-2008 20:43
Lots of pictures taken with this and other Pentax cameras and various Pentax lenses here
Guest 29-Apr-2008 20:14
This camera is superb, very ergonomic, confortable, and the grip adds a lot of fuctionality to it.
The colors are beautiful, and with the right lens, it is razor sharp.
Great performer at high ISO, i've took amazing night shots with it.
I just love it, this camera is right for you to grow up with.
Guest 29-Jan-2008 20:32
Hi Joenov15, now we know your list of cameras. so?
Guest 19-Jan-2008 14:25

This is my Original List.
Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Semi Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Fuji S5 Pro

Enthusiast Digital SLR cameras
1. Nikon D80
2. Canon 40D

Entry Level Digital SLR cameras
1. Nikon D40x
2. Canon 400D
3. Pentax K10D

Thats true I'm a Nikon user, I love it. Ive used other brand cameras but i didnt like them, NO OFFENCE. Nikon D3 & Nikon D300 have changed the users reviews thats y Nikon D3 & Nikon D300 are at the top. Nikon is the Best. (If the picture matters, the camera matters. At the Heart of the Image)
Guest 15-Jan-2008 13:52
New List
Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Semi Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Canon 40D
5. Pentax K10D
6. Fuji S5 Pro
7. Canon 30D
8. Nikon D80
9. Nikon D40x
10. Canon 400D
Guest 13-Jan-2008 19:00
Top Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Top Semi Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Canon 40D
5. Fuji S5 Pro
6. Canon 30D
7. Nikon D80
8. Pentax K10D
9. Nikon D40x
10. Canon 400D
Paul Pagano30-Dec-2007 17:57
I am pleased thus far with my Pentax K10D.
Guest 29-May-2007 01:38
I also did a little non-scientific noise test. check it out:
Guest 28-May-2007 01:43
I got this camera a few days ago. Today I took it to the graveyard to take some test shots. So far I'm really impressed. Check out the graveyardshots at:
Guest 15-Mar-2007 07:30
I have been a Pro Photographer for about 25 years. I am a Canadian based in Paris, France.I have worked in New York, London, Paris, Milan and LA and have used everything from Bronica to 'Blad's to Sinar to Fuji 680 to Pentax 6-7 and 645 and Canon. I was sponsored here in France by Canon. I had been quite curious about the new direction of Pentax and their affiliation with Samsung and Tokina/Hoya. I always loved Tokina lenses especially their 80-200 f2.8 lens. Most of my work gets published in magazine and on occasion as PLV's and catalogues. In almost all cases I used my 8 MP Canon camera's for all of my magazine work.

To my point of about two months ago, I decided to go with Pentax and am now sponsored by them. I made the decision to switch because of the fine reputation Pentax has had with all of the pro studio photographers. I just think that the K10D does 80-90 percent of all of the things I would expect from a camera. I am also using all of their pancake lenses as well as their 12-24, 16-45 and 100 macro. I will receive the 16-50 and 50-135 when they come out in March.

I have just used the K10D for an up and coming editorial in "Issue One" magazine UK as well as a twelve page Fashion Editorial called "Diva" It performed flawlessly. The only issue I had was the SD card I used was too slow and have now changed to a 133x card.

I really think Pentax DSLR's have finally come of age
Guest 14-Jan-2007 08:56
Le K10D est un excellent boitier bien fini, agréable à utiliser et propose à lui seul l'ensemble des fonctionnalités des autres appareils de sa catégorie ( Canon 400D, Sony Alpha 100 et Nikon D80 ). Le problème est, qu'à l'heure où j'écris ces lignes, il ne semble pas bénéficier de l'intégralité de ses neurones.
Je donne un exemple concret :
- sur mon Minolta D7D, avec son capteur 6 Mp, j'obtenais en qualité standard jpeg ( il y avait la qualité extra fine au dessus )des fichiers de 3,5 Mo
- sur mon K10D, avec ses 10 Mp, j'obtiens en jpeg qualité maxi des fichiers de 3 à 3,5 Mo
N'y a-t-il pas un problème ?
De ce fait, sans renier les qualités de cet excellent appareil, j'ai l'impression, subjective peut être, d'obtenir des images moins définies qu'avec mon D7D !
Je pense que l'appareil va évoluer et que le nouveau firmware remettra les pendules à l'heure !
Eldar Kadymov21-Dec-2006 17:27
I am not sure if I would agree with Lou on ability of Nikons D80/D200 or Canons 30D/20D to deliver images which are superior to D70s or Pentax K100D in terms of dynamic/tonal range scrispness, clarity and , specifically, sharpness. The problem is that 8 Mp or 10 Mp sensors on these "non-pro" cameras simply cannot be supported by existing technologies of manufactruing of bodies to absolutely tight tolerances and inferior lenses. If you shoot with 8/10 Mp camera manufactured on "affordable" level of technology for non-pros and without image stabilizer,- don't expect wonders, they don't exist. What Canon/Nikon failed to realize is that the majority of those people who buy cameras and lenses in $1,000 price mark, require more than marketing gimmick like Canon 350D or Nikon D80 aimed on higher sales but not the quality of the images.
I did not see any single image coming out off 8/10 Mp cameras which would make me to freeze in awe, yet there are tons of superb shots from 6 Mp Nikons and Pentaxes. I personally have Canon 350D, which is the same thing as 20/30D and I should say that this is just marketing driven piece of junk. All images I saw so far from 8/10 Mp Canons are flat, lifeless and look "digital", as 70Ds shots look truly 3D. My 4 Mp Canon Powershot S45 takes better shots than all these infamous Canon DSRLs...
Here is the breaking point when it comes to difference in the media of CMOS vs. CCD sensors. Who cares about lower noise at ISO1600, which Canon is praised for, if you have to pay price for softness, loss of details and colour fading ?
As for Pentax K10D, there is no doubts that the only failure of this camera ( hopefully they will be able to fix it in firmware update ) is lack of sharpness for JPEGs due to poor engine processing. No other camera on the market including even 5D or 200D offers image stabilizer, dust reduction and "digital" preview in one affordable package, nevermind it is still better than all those above IQ wise. I am just judging by Pbase collection of shots, whereas Nikon 70Ds/50D and Pentax K100D come first, following closely by latest Panasonic DSLR.
IMO Pentax K10D resides in class on its own in every single respect, and what they need to do in the future is to get 7.5-8 Mp sensor in its body and return back to the same processing engine as they already have on K100D.
Lou Giroud21-Dec-2006 08:44
Someone just wrote it: "this thing will be in a new class", just only between a D80 and a Sony Alpha". Poor K10D.

So, lets stop joking. The K10D is a hughe camera that makes quite excellent pictures. It beats picture quality of a Sony Alpha and is quality equal with the D80 when run in low iso ranges. At high iso ranges and, for sure, in autofocuing ability, the D80 is a genration better. But, all those cameras are not made to bring you a better or whorse picture when compared to each other. There main goal is continuity when you ow a lens park for the mount and here Pentax follows modern marketing strategy by opening the 10 mpix offer to their customers. Note that still today a 8 mpix Canon 20D or 30D makes a better picture then any of the recent 10 mpix guns. Only the D200 can compete with it, despite of Canon's weaker AF ability. So, does one realy needs 10 mpix like companies trie to make you believe .....? - It's a good question, isn't it ?
Guest 06-Dec-2006 03:16
Canon and Nikon have proven reliability. Pentax unknown. It seems like the Pentax K10D is a good solid camera. I'm looking forward to the reviews.
frankcoti16-Nov-2006 03:34
looks nice but iq =????????????
Guest 03-Nov-2006 03:13
Poor D-80! This thing will be in a whole new class!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 20:39
Ah! Here is THE KING!! Don't disappoint me, honey!

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