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All Cameras >> Pentax >> Pentax *ist D

Pentax *ist D Digital Camera Sample Photos

u10/equipment/medium/41412523.istD_angle.jpgu10/equipment/medium/41412524.istD_top.jpgu10/equipment/medium/41412525.istD_flash.jpgu10/equipment/medium/41412526.istD_back.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 08-Aug-2003
Lens Mount: K
Megapixels: 6.1
Random Pentax *ist D Samples from 35887 available Photos more
v3/25/234525/3/49589993.IMGP7516.jpg g3/28/385428/3/102140128.9N2OUQzF.jpg g6/26/519326/3/77588999.LDgBCm3M.jpg g3/80/61480/3/125108548.4j28CaeZ.jpg
g9/19/326019/3/62036082.Bnbs1o86.jpg v3/36/574136/3/46719256.IMGP7933.jpg g6/84/631784/3/80581791.yOMUsZtK.jpg g5/28/385428/3/100230927.3LovEa75.jpg
g6/36/574136/3/83507509.xlyb3hEs.jpg g4/36/574136/3/91067042.L5moaT1m.jpg g1/80/61480/3/112425990.NbiL6IhW.jpg g9/91/460891/3/153872301.8WXOk8z6.jpg

Guest 29-Oct-2007 21:20

Very glad to meet more Pentax enthousiast.Start with a S2 1962.Was user and observer of the development of all types of analog SLR,s up till MZ5n.Still using LX and MX.Feel like sell out buying a digital.Now a real convert to my istD.

Guest 18-Apr-2007 09:31
I Love this DSLR. You can visit my gallery at with a lot of High definition samples. I explain (in french with screenshots) how to use Pentax Photo Laboratory 3 and RAW PEF Files.
Alan Mars13-May-2006 19:49
I love the superb colors. I wish I'd have seen your gallery before I bought my Minolta dImage A200.
Guest 12-Jan-2005 07:58
I have been a photographer all my life, and had been shooting for almost 20 years. I was a film purist for the longest time and held stern against the encroachment of digital. Learning the skill from my dad on my first pentax program plus, my loyalty has remained with pentax owning several bodies, still shooting with the alltime pro favorite... Pz1p. the leap towards digital couldnt have been anymore pleasurable then with the introuduction of the *istD. It has amazing image quality, perfect size and ergonomics, brightest viewfinder of all DSLR's. I also own a D70 and love its responsiveness for sports and photojournalistic work. However, for color rendition, low noise at full iso range, and perhaps some of the finest optical glass ever mated to a camera... I still choose my pentax! for me Pentax is perfect chemistry for my tastes! happy shooting!

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