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Olympus E-520 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 13-May-2008
Megapixels: 10
Random Olympus E-520 Samples from 26042 available Photos more
g1/20/11820/3/104119605.z3NHwQlk.jpg g9/65/18865/3/157195023.nybmh97H.jpg g4/62/794562/3/143688474.5ee6nOLT.jpg g1/30/694830/3/106843945.Ig4zYR2u.jpg
g1/69/910869/3/114159471.V3Sytrr1.jpg g4/62/794562/3/133205699.03KbMvRN.jpg g3/65/18865/3/122664492.4IXCS80I.jpg g2/17/342117/3/149067535.1woO3oo4.jpg
g4/62/794562/3/138684734.P8bmP7D0.jpg g4/17/342117/3/141620659.uhYJF1Qq.jpg g1/90/619290/3/108817770.SqrcYy8w.jpg g1/30/694830/3/105351139.6QRZ5Wpk.jpg

Paul Silk12-Oct-2008 08:11
Looking at your gallery and seeing you have come from compact cameras whose small sensor has five times the depth of field and in camera sharpening is usally very high to a DSLR which is a completly different beast I think its proberbly more a case of use inexperiance than the camera and you will have the same problems with any DSLR. :)
Dwain Moody24-Aug-2008 21:04
Ok...update. I have NOT been impressed with the IQ. Even with the 12-60mm, the sharpness just is not there.
Dwain Moody29-Jul-2008 04:40
It feels real good in your hand, its even better when it shoots!
Dwain Moody29-Jul-2008 04:39
It feels real good to in your hand, its even better when it shoots!

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