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All Cameras >> Olympus >> Olympus C-7000 Zoom

Olympus C-7000 Zoom Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Olympus C-70 Zoom
Marketed: 16-Sep-2004
Megapixels: 7.1
Random Olympus C-7000 Zoom Samples from 6534 available Photos more
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Guest 18-May-2006 21:56
My perfect camera has to do two things very well. First, it has to deliver superior results. Second, it has to be portable. I think this Olympus C-7000 comes the closest to perfect and this is the one that I bought.
For superior results I thought I wanted a dSLR, but after handling one I realized I wouldn't often want to take something that large and vulnerable with me.
The Canon G6 and S70 are the only other cameras that I took any serious interest in. The G6 was tempting but still a little thick (especially the grip bump). The S70 was tempting too, but still longer than the C-7000.
Neither Canons offer as much zoom as the C-7000 (5x optical), though they both offer a wider angle.
I gave only four stars because I still wonder how it compares to the G6 in light gathering ability. Maybe I'll upgrade it to five stars once I settle that issue.
I was determined to buy a Canon or a Nikon. I had no thought toward buying an Olympus. This camera impressed me enough that now Olympus has a new customer. Nice job Olympus.

More information about Olympus C7000:
Guest 24-Jan-2005 02:31

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