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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikon D800E

Nikon D800E SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 07-Feb-2012
Lens Mount: F
Megapixels: 36.3
Random Nikon D800E Samples from 51482 available Photos more
g9/79/753579/3/162974135.u41JPlc4.jpg g9/98/850098/3/155003810.qWul5q3q.jpg g9/22/635822/3/153560502.4vbzVuVu.jpg g9/66/374766/3/160745788.wVxMy4HT.jpg
g13/43/831843/3/174734852.46417ab6.JPEG g9/98/850098/3/157811107.X8FvlPA3.jpg g2/22/635822/3/147015403.mZ6ecNYC.jpg g10/71/438871/3/168259735.pKYYLak3.jpg
g9/69/661569/3/151778305.GHN0sNSN.jpg g10/47/605247/3/168502525.1o9rUeLl.jpg g9/61/930161/3/163973776.J0O5gIla.jpg g9/61/930161/3/156967733.IlnQ9LJo.jpg

Lou Giroud19-Aug-2012 10:40
The comment of camera updates is now 3 month old, I wrote many complaints to the help-desk, to the camera concern of pbase and nothing happens. Sony has the RX100, the NEX C3F, Nikon a D3200, soon a D600, Samsung has 2 new generations of 20 mpix cameras, new lenses are made by Voigtlaender, Zeiss, Leica, Sigma, Tokina, nothing changes, and no clean-up of all the very old cameras and many useless P&S that never got a shot posted. Also updating of newly posted shots takes hell a time. PBASE SUCKS, the way it is now.
john dahlstet15-May-2012 04:46
When is Pbase going to update the data for camera types. This is a pathetic display of indifference.
Günter Hofstädter07-May-2012 04:13
great body, love the results !
john dahlstet05-May-2012 23:26
It is now 5 May and still no photos from this camera. How long does it take?
john dahlstet22-Apr-2012 22:50
OK, this camera has been up on your site for several days now. When are we going to be able to see any photos actually taken by the thing?

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These photos are are a guide to what these cameras are capable of, but may not fully represent the camera due to post-processing, scanning, or photographic technique.
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