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Nikon D5000 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

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Marketed: 14-Apr-2009
Megapixels: 12.3
Random Nikon D5000 Samples from 55155 available Photos more
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norbi04-May-2010 16:48
Together with the 18-200mm this is an ideal cam for journeys.
It is lightweighted, handsome and the image quality is on high Nikon-standard.
I use it together with my D700 without any difference of quality within normal ISO up to 800.
Guest 12-Nov-2009 15:25
Awesome camera, I am selling my Rebel Xti and will be getting this.
Photodelles17-Jul-2009 11:28
I do not like the colors, I am really disappointed, D80 was better and D40 was the best! More pixels but less quality, not good!!!
Guest 19-May-2009 23:43

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