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Nikon D40x SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 06-Mar-2007
Megapixels: 10.2
Random Nikon D40x Samples from 42086 available Photos more
g3/16/841416/3/95694200.yuCJ5BCq.jpg g3/43/519843/3/114515855.Mi8WOxk5.jpg g1/90/685690/3/103809381.raC02Mcn.jpg g3/26/641226/3/113532955.QQD5AUjP.jpg
g1/99/965699/3/129209760.6xYsV5ap.jpg g6/51/801551/3/85581518.Wjdz7cMt.jpg g1/26/641226/3/108840185.HJsGEuQk.jpg g9/92/758692/3/157261578.E1QYJ5Sj.jpg
g3/57/878257/3/120859132.0vVCs2AP.jpg g1/41/788741/3/92614792.5bOWWKpk.jpg g1/60/816160/3/117222508.k1ktdkeP.jpg g3/16/841416/3/96141832.oiNcHjTz.jpg

Guest 04-Jan-2009 20:18
*sorry about the double post !
Guest 04-Jan-2009 20:17
I argee Martin. If anything the new Nikon cmos sensor dslrs are more saturated. Here's one example with my D40x when I owned it.
Guest 04-Jan-2009 20:15
I argee Martin. If anything the new Nikon cmos sensor dslrs are more saturated. Here's one example with my D40x when I owned it.
Guest 17-Jul-2008 23:51
People, people... those "unrealistic" and "over-saturated" images... it's the standard jpeg-result. I agree it's horrible. But it DOES NOT show the D40X' capabilities!

That is why I shoot raw with my D40X and, I think at least, I get much better results.
Lou Giroud14-Jul-2008 01:41
I desperately refresh this page and try to find a good D40x picture but find all to much contrasted and over saturated. A wide mixture between rough black shades and screaming colors and burned highlights. Or, this camera has shitty settings by factory, or, she is not able to balance a shot and produce smooth pictures the way the D200 does with the same sensor. Very disappointing and very far away of the brilliant good pictures the D40 produces
Guest 03-Apr-2008 13:24
Colours are often too satured and irrealistic when i look at d40x photos here.
Guest 01-Feb-2008 00:20
I like the D40x. Most photos in my gallery here were taken with my D40x.
Guest 19-Jan-2008 14:28

This is my Original List.
Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Semi Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Fuji S5 Pro

Enthusiast Digital SLR cameras
1. Nikon D80
2. Canon 40D

Entry Level Digital SLR cameras
1. Nikon D40x
2. Canon 400D
3. Pentax K10D

Thats true I'm a Nikon user, I love it. Ive used other brand cameras but i didnt like them, NO OFFENCE. Nikon D3 & Nikon D300 have changed the users reviews thats y Nikon D3 & Nikon D300 are at the top. Nikon is the Best. (If the picture matters, the camera matters. At the Heart of the Image)
RS Photography19-Jan-2008 02:58
New List
Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
2. Canon 1D Mark 3
3. Nikon D3
4. Canon 5D
5. Nikon D2Xs

Semi Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Fuji S5 Pro
2. Canon 40D
3. Nikon D300
4. Canon 400D
5. Nikon D80
6. Pentax K10D
7. Nikon D40x
Guest 17-Jan-2008 01:29
Professional Digital SLR Camera
Nikon D3

Semi Professional Digital SLR Camera
Nikon D300

Enthusiast Digital SLR camera
Nikon D80

Entry Level Digital SLR camera
Nikon D40x
Guest 15-Jan-2008 14:01
New List
Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Semi Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Canon 40D
5. Pentax K10D
6. Fuji S5 Pro
7. Canon 30D
8. Nikon D80
9. Nikon D40x
10. Canon 400D
Guest 13-Jan-2008 19:03
Top Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Top Semi Professional Digital SLR Cameras
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Canon 40D
5. Fuji S5 Pro
6. Canon 30D
7. Nikon D80
8. Pentax K10D
9. Nikon D40x
10. Canon 400D
Emad Omar23-Dec-2007 13:04
Very good camera.
Paco López12-Dec-2007 11:15
Very good camera.
Guest 30-Sep-2007 14:14
verry good
Guest 02-Jul-2007 08:30
Very practical DSLR. Perfect travel camera. With my 18-70DX, fits my small waistbag.
Superb image quality, better high iso noise compared to my D200.
Fun little camera.

My first Bali travel picture with D40x
Guest 05-Apr-2007 04:00
D40X causes the spark photography to change simply. This camera has
used skill Kang which is at the leading position in the market the
i-TTL flash control, even if light condition worse, it also can °÷ be
automatic, precisely determine the ideal flash exposure.

8 kind of digital multiplications automatic photography pattern has
provided the innovation, the ideal photography choice for the ordinary
photography scene. Only must simply revolve the pattern turntable then
to be possible to use, the process interesting, fast, is simple. The
P/S/A/M pattern uses in further to control the aperture and the
shutter speed.

In set decorates the function table to join the edition characteristic
which was in sole possession of. Main characteristic is outstanding
skill Kang the D-lighting function. It can °÷ in the maintenance
brighter region right exposure situation, demonstrate usually is
insufficient in the exposure in the region loses picture detail. The
photography may simply revise the pinkeye, or the use monochromatic
effect turns an image black and white, deep is brown or the cold tone.
Guest 01-Apr-2007 13:28
Just have the D40X on hand, A great gear again.
Overall it's a compact D80 which without AF-D lens support,
other performance not significance of difference.

Also the 55-200 VR is pretty good for daily use.
Guest 10-Mar-2007 17:41
I would say I am sick of the waves of proprietary high-tech strangleholds on the market. This is clearly an oligopoly.

Like the D40, for someone on a budget, the D40x is unintentionally good only for manual focusing, mostly without light-metering, unless you want to spend an arm and a leg on multiple autofocus and VR engines in every additional lens you buy. Nikon is trying to milk the relatively poor amongst us. But these two D40 cameras also tell me that with current technology there is no need for communication between lens and camera, only the stop-down mechanism.

I implore Nikon to fill another niche by building manual focus 135-format digital cameras, switchable on-the-sensor auto-metering (electronic cut-off) with large exposure-compensation and white balance knobs. The viewfinder should have 100% coverage, 100% magnification, f/1.2 aperture (to really accommodate manual focusing - which has been squelched by design to sell autofocus technology! = currently the largest viewfinder aperture is f/5.6 regardless of the maximum aperture of the lens!) With an F-mount without ee-servo post or auto-indexing lever, all older Nikkor lenses will meter EXCEPT afs because afs-lenses are stuck on minimum aperture unless coupled electronically.

If Nikon does not want to follow this obvious route, I'm sure many other companies would, if they read this. They wouldn't have to make it F-mount compatible (given the legal hassles). Make the body shallow, so it can take subsidiary-built adaptors for all manufacturers' manual focus lenses. You can shout "conspiracy theorist" all you want, but Nikon will know exactly what I'm talking about.

NOTE WELL - I do understand the picture quality excellence of Nikon and Canon over others is impossible without the here maligned large profits and related monopoly power - I'm just saying we need a little more human common sense.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 01:57
I'm dying to hear your views on this one Pierre......

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