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Nikon D4 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

g4/87/331787/3/140823983.Lz5zCZbP.jpgg4/87/331787/3/140823986.PSBeVeyW.jpgg4/87/331787/3/140823990.Dj8VNDbt.jpgg4/87/331787/3/140823995.zrVcYg8Q.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 06-Jan-2012
Lens Mount: F
Megapixels: 16.2
Random Nikon D4 Samples from 136895 available Photos more
g4/41/154541/3/145715663.0lSzknrD.jpg g9/62/794562/3/164045626.bdakwATG.jpg g9/01/478801/3/159281960.1WYzkwTF.jpg g9/28/410728/3/161938178.t1z0KB7q.jpg
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SiliconVoid03-Sep-2012 02:15
What wonderful images..
Such pure colors, great tonal graduation, every subtle shade of blacks and whites, and plenty of pixels to work with when you know how to compose a shot in the field.
A shame it cost ~$6000 to upgrade from my D700 if I ever do.. =/

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