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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikon Coolpix S6

Nikon Coolpix S6 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 21-Feb-2006
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: 5.8-17.4mm f/3-5.4
Megapixels: 6
Random Nikon Coolpix S6 Samples from 1670 available Photos more
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Guest 26-Jul-2006 09:59
I was torn between several cameras but the Nikon is the best.

One thing that is overrated in cameras is the megapixels, they are just used as a marketing tool; anything over 5mp is fine for almost all photographers. What really matters is the shutters, lens, and properties. Here are some pros and cons of the camera:

+ The screen is bright, large, and detailed
+ The battery lasts quite a while
+ The camera itself is smaller
+ Transfers wirelessly to your computer
+ Buttons are easy and well designed
+ Picture quality is up to standard
+ NEVER get red eye with this camera, no need to edit afterward
+ Takes great pictures at night (lights, fireworks, ect)
+ Takes fantastic portraits because the camera automatically focuses on the face of the subject

- Sometimes the camera takes too long to take a picture, and if you have it on portrait mode it flashed 5-6 times before it snaps the photo
- The wireless transfers seem to take forever, sometimes I think it may be better to upload directly to the computer
- Every so often you will get a blurry picture (1 in 75 or so)

Will Johnson

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