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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor AF-S DX 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR

Nikkor AF-S DX 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 28-Jan-2008
Lens: 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6
Random Nikkor AF-S DX 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Samples from 22829 available Photos more
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joechaos19-Dec-2010 08:24
Great lens. I upgraded from the 18-105mm and the difference is noticable.
Jay Levin28-Sep-2010 03:51
I have now had some additional experience with the 16-85mm and can again recommend it for shooting on a tripod. Here is another example:
However, as a walkaround lens I prefer the 18-200mm to avoid missing shots past 85mm. The 18-200mm can certainly be used on a tripod, but the DxO statistics and some other sources (not Ken Rockwell) suggest that the 16-85mm is an optically superior lens.
Jay Levin04-Dec-2009 22:37
So far I've been very satisfied with this lens. Images taken with it are very sharp and contrasty, and the lens provides a 16mm wide end. Of course, you will need a second lens to go past 85mm and an ultra-wide angle for below 16mm. Because of the VR, the 16-85mm can be used as a walkaround lens. Here is a tripod shot with the lens: .
Felix Wong20-Dec-2008 04:00
Some photos taken with this lens
Guest 16-Oct-2008 01:16
I have one. It's compact, built very well. All the rings are nice and tight. I see no tendency for the zoom to creep. It handles well due to it's compact nature. I am have one issue with mine, and have yet to test it against another copy. Mine seems to focus short at 16mm. Short foreground is razor sharp, while objects go out of focus rather quickly within 15-20 feet. I try to shoot in the f/8 to f/16 range and expect deeper DOF from a lens like this. It may be a flawed copy. It may be operator error. It's not a consistent issue.
jehan15-Oct-2008 17:22
test comment
Felix Wong24-Jul-2008 07:10
Some photos taken with this lens
t. waseem09-Jun-2008 17:06

Well built, compact and great zoom range. Sharpest lense I own and fantastic VR performance with shots at S.S. 0.62 second.
Jean-Steve Shaker27-Apr-2008 03:42
I bought one. I'm working with and I like the 16mm. The colors and the precision of the images is fantastic. I will post pictures soon.
t. waseem10-Apr-2008 01:52
Well built, compact and great zoom range. Sharpest lense I own and fantastic VR performance with shots at S.S. 0.62 second.

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