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Nikkor 300mm f/4 ED-IF AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1987
Lens Mount: AF
Random Nikkor 300mm f/4 ED-IF AF Samples from 2268 available Photos more
g3/26/576926/3/56937682.DSC_7824.jpg g9/05/975605/3/159119816.UfoAuiV3.jpg g6/53/115753/3/71493782.MVzxrodj.jpg g10/53/627653/3/167253486.pLfnXXF4.jpg
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Guest 18-May-2009 01:45
Purchased used in Dec of 08. Excellent IQ. It is a very contrasty lens, to the point where I have to remember to drop the contrast setting on my D-200 to even the images out. I bit heavy, all metal. Slow AF, but it generally doesn't shift much when shooting at long range. Manual focus is very good, I actually shoot it MF a fair amount. At F/4.0 it's a little too close to the F/5.6 cut off for AF effectiveness.
Guest 22-Dec-2008 06:32
Bought this lens used. Incredibly sharp, amazing colour and contrast. AF is on the slow side but with the superb quality I am happy.

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