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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 200mm f/4 Micro IF Ai-S

Nikkor 200mm f/4 Micro IF Ai-S Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1982
Lens Mount: AI-S
Random Nikkor 200mm f/4 Micro IF Ai-S Samples from 443 available Photos more
g6/26/576926/3/72264990.WQrzboVp.jpg g1/60/808060/3/105399863.bRanngJR.jpg g3/26/576926/3/101774598.8NgJ05KV.jpg g3/60/808060/3/95688079.HanQyHjc.jpg
g1/60/808060/3/107066443.sUCC7Nqa.jpg g3/60/808060/3/102363154.Xp3zeL3H.jpg g9/60/808060/3/155270084.HWc20FPD.jpg g3/60/808060/3/102363152.rOPPTVrG.jpg
g3/60/808060/3/101999937.YxVvHeeq.jpg g6/26/576926/3/72263826.3q8986FC.jpg g3/26/576926/3/101773786.ioD4O7na.jpg g4/60/808060/3/140490809.5bxM7vd6.jpg

Slug21-Jun-2006 16:17
Corrected the photo. Thanks.
Guest 21-Dec-2005 20:46
This is the wrong photo of the lens - it shows the autofocus version. See:

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