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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 200mm f/2G IF-ED AF-S VR

Nikkor 200mm f/2G IF-ED AF-S VR Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 28-May-2004
Lens Mount: AF-S
Lens: 200mm f/2
Random Nikkor 200mm f/2G IF-ED AF-S VR Samples from 5748 available Photos more
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Guest 26-May-2010 08:26
wonderfull lens.
Sharp at F2 and ultra sharp at F2.8
easy handholding.
some guys said...what do you want with a 200 F2 VR if you already have a 70-200mm VR ?
let me tell you this lens is superior to the 70-200 VR at 200mm.
it cost hey you want the smoothest bokeh and sharpness
rbfresno11-Jan-2010 08:42
Believe most of the rave reviews about this lens.
Yes, it's on the heavy side, but the stellar results are great motivation to use it anyway.

Some selected 200VR pics here:
Guest 01-Jul-2009 01:54
My new gallery with the D700 and 200 F2 VR. Caution some nudity !
Devilgorgor18-May-2008 02:47
love it, Sharper than my canon 200mm f/1.8L USM
olivier_c19-Feb-2008 13:17
highly expensive too :-)
olivier_c19-Feb-2008 13:17
highly expensive too :-)
Guest 10-Feb-2008 23:17
Yes it's heavy and I'm not a big guy but still 95% of all my photos taken with this lens are handheld. I've posted this gallery a while back with most in here taken with my 200 f2 vr.
Guest 19-Aug-2007 10:10
an EXCELLENT glass. MASTERPIECE of JAPAN Nikon Stuff ! :o) There is NOTHING better then 200mm f/2.0 in the range worldwide. BEST BUY @ ALL. Honest admit,. I had some chances to shoot with this stuff for a while ... I will never forget. KILLER LENS /!!!

olivier_c26-Jun-2007 15:00
The 200mm F2 is very a fanstastic and marvellous lens. I toke volleyball photos and I'm very surprise with the quality, colour, bokeh....
In my gallerie / sport / volleyball
JB09-Jan-2007 20:58
Drool. :)
Guest 15-Aug-2006 01:25
Yes Heavy handheld as earlier mentioned but lots of fun with a legendary lens!
My 1st pic since I picked one up several days ago! :)
Guest 15-Aug-2006 01:23
Yes Heavy handheld as earlier mentioned but lots of fun with a legendary lens!
My 1st pic since I picked one up several days ago! :)
frank_111211-Aug-2005 07:50
Guest 20-Apr-2005 21:21
Very sharp at F/2 already with excellent creamy bokeh.
Focus a tack faster than 300/2.8 VR in both indoor and outdoor when mounted on D2X.
Front element is as big as 300/2.8 VR but is shorter in length and very front heavy.
Excellent indoor sports lens! Highly recommended.

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