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All Cameras >> Minolta >> Minolta DiMAGE S414

Minolta DiMAGE S414 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 10-Feb-2003
Megapixels: 4.1
Random Minolta DiMAGE S414 Samples from 6862 available Photos more
g2/93/329493/3/149392944.v2C361MM.jpg g2/93/329493/3/149468518.Eszeh4tl.jpg g6/13/402213/3/68835751.6qEDS2ao.jpg u38/bmcmorrow/medium/25019115.ll14.jpg
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Guest 18-Feb-2006 14:45
The best camera ever!

Not so good for night shots.
Subroto Sen07-Dec-2004 08:54
Minolta DiMAGE S414 is a highly functional Digicam with a lot of manual controls. It's
shot to shot lag time is minimal and picture quality is excellent. The auto focus system is quite good and works fairly well even in low light despite having no AF Assist lamp.
4X Optical Zoom, Live Histogram, Exposure Bracketing are some of the great features in this Model.

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