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All Cameras >> FujiFilm >> FujiFilm FinePix F20

FujiFilm FinePix F20 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 12-Jul-2006
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: 8-24mm f/2.8-8
Megapixels: 6.3
Random FujiFilm FinePix F20 Samples from 2154 available Photos more
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Ed24-Aug-2011 22:35
F20 has same lens/ccd as legendary F30
oddlegs02-Nov-2007 20:43
My trusty Canon G6 bit the dust, so I bought a Fuji F20 for parties, 'works do's' etc and to tide me over until I decide what to replace the G6 with, unless a repair is economical. I've already been quoted £200! but Jacobs say they can do it cheaper, - we'll see. The Fuji is a great 'carry everywhere' cam, good movie mode and repectable image quality for snapshots or a little larger, also battery life is excellent for such a small cam.

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