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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SX200 IS

Canon PowerShot SX200 IS Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 17-Feb-2009
Megapixels: 10
Random Canon PowerShot SX200 IS Samples from 7600 available Photos more
g1/82/454782/3/127945675.LI96jYLG.jpg g1/14/415814/3/127055562.9NdzQRkv.jpg g4/16/531516/3/135983249.kkF6yKq6.jpg g1/97/222097/3/118336167.BM6cxSno.jpg
g10/36/600236/3/167156335.vxgBUkVq.jpg g4/43/944143/3/135547866.GZQxjxUB.jpg g9/36/600236/3/164062416.jFTLcUFO.jpg g1/82/454782/3/115914074.Fye0xQxU.jpg
g9/14/415814/3/150616553.wDakwHUo.jpg g1/97/222097/3/113939048.9q9A8ofR.jpg g9/63/769163/3/151420641.VumYy3Gl.jpg g1/97/222097/3/113939455.1fCMfsm6.jpg

Sean Harris23-Nov-2009 19:51
Obviously you know nothing about digital photography or cameras. I'm not sticking up for Canon but your statement about a 12MP camera only producing 2mp files shows you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. The file size is largely dictated by the detail in a photo, not just the MP's of a camera. Sorry to break it to you but just because a camera says it 8, 10, 12 or 20 MP's have nothing to do with the files size.

Sorry it that sounded mean, but I didn't want other believing something that is grossly incorrect.
Eldar Kadymov06-Nov-2009 16:54
This camera could receive an award for being "The most f...cked up camera on the face of Earth'. Shame on Canon for releasing this product, mine will be sent back to Canon HQ with complimentary letter.
They say it's 12 Mp camera ?! What a joke ! The file size even at highest settings is 2 Mb, so even my 6 year old Canon S45 takes pictures which are light years away from this junk

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