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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SX100 IS

Canon PowerShot SX100 IS Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 8
Random Canon PowerShot SX100 IS Samples from 5433 available Photos more
g5/70/305170/3/119100627.aeqN9biX.jpg g3/81/944881/3/122457051.G7COcLCH.jpg g4/70/305170/3/133708217.0amq9sWN.jpg g4/39/543439/3/134125625.uCdTuEAw.jpg
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Guest 31-Aug-2008 15:49
The fact that the flash has to be manually raised annoys some people. I find it a boon; for example if I am taking a picture say at a concert when I don't want the flash to fire, I am sure it won't when the flash unit is not raised. Overall I find the image stability works well, and I have got some first rate steady shots on full 10x zoom. The lens quality is excellent. As a Canon 5D user, I am happy with this compact camera when I want to travel light.
LW Hovelkamp21-May-2008 18:20
I like mine. It's a nice looking camera, fit's nicely in one's hand, power's up quite fast, photo quality seem's fine. Having to raise the flash manually is different for me to be perfectly honest, but all in all, I feel it's very much a decent choice. I have not been able to take enough photo's to see what I can do manually, but hoping to try.
Guest 31-Mar-2008 19:31
The 10x optical zoom in conjunction with the IS works really well. 35mm equivalent is 36-360 mm, very useful in a compact camera.

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