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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SD950 IS

Canon PowerShot SD950 IS Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon IXY Digital 2000 IS in Japan.
Also known as Canon Digital IXUS 960 IS
Marketed: 20-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 12.1
Random Canon PowerShot SD950 IS Samples from 6959 available Photos more
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@ Bruce Gilling29-Jan-2008 05:02
lens distortion and noise images my 800is is better imho
Guest 04-Oct-2007 05:31
Dear Canon if you are listening please make and SD950 12.3 centre flat lens completely water proof with your expertly amazing quality. Silver body..!! It would be the biggest seller! EVER!! Perfect quality in or out of water for people wo want to take pics in or out the pool or on the beach worry free! Please make one!!! I'm hoping someone from canon see's this post... Love QTip ...

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