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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SD550

Canon PowerShot SD550 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon IXY Digital 700 in Japan.
Also known as Canon Digital IXUS 750
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Marketed: 23-Aug-2005
Megapixels: 7.1
Random Canon PowerShot SD550 Samples from 15652 available Photos more
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Guest 25-Jul-2006 13:31
The camera is great! It's a pleasure to use because of its high-tech features.

Let's start out with the positives. The screen is amazing, it is huge! The quality on the pictures is amazing. It has a nice dark metal color and after you take a picture and go back to it, the picture rotates to the side that you're looking at it from. It is the coolest feature! The icon of the setting that you switch to pops up big quickly, and right away becomes small and moves away to the left of the screen, so it's not in the way of your view when you're taking a picture. The shutter speed is extremely fast and so is the camera.
Another great thing about this camera is that you can zoom in while recording in a video mode, just as you would do with an actual video camera. Also, when you're zooming in all the way, beyond it's capability, the picture still comes out crystal clear. The 7.4 gross-pixels really help out in this case.


Since the screen is huge, you're fingers tend to be on the screen from time to time. The camera is slippery, it is easy to drop. It doesn't have a date imprint option, and the slot for the USB cable is very fragile.

Hope this was useful and good luck with your shopping. This camera is worth buying. I suggest you purchase it with a 1GB memory card.
Will Jonson

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