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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot SD450

Canon PowerShot SD450 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon IXY Digital 60 in Japan.
Also known as Canon Digital IXUS 55
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Marketed: 23-Aug-2005
Megapixels: 5
Random Canon PowerShot SD450 Samples from 6929 available Photos more
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CJ Morgan13-Nov-2007 08:40
The SD series of cameras are function in a way no larger can be --
to be always ready and to catch those moments you're just as likely
miss were you to go running for your other camera gear. Get yourself
a cute little 5 inch tripod to go with these compact SD cameras...
truth me, that little pocket size tripod will come in useful.
Guest 14-Jul-2006 16:55
Forgot to add, the camera takes the best videos I've seen from a pocket-sized digital camera (up to 8 1/2 minutes long too).

My Gallery
Guest 14-Jul-2006 16:50
Great camera. Really great camera. No digital lag whatsoever, you can get REALLY close to stuff and take a great shot (I've made eraser shavings look huge), night shots I've taken have not been out of focus (all though you do have to hold extra still when not using flash in the dark), this is the best camera I've seen for macro shots. You can do great lighting tricks and make really surreal and beutiful shots. It can also be a family camera, easy to use, if you just want to take shots of your kids posing in front of a statue. So I'd highly reccomend it to everyone.

WillisM (check out my gallery to see what this camera can do).
Guest 25-May-2006 23:01
This is a beautiful little camera, images are great, easy to use, a sheer joy.
I looked at the 550, but thought it was bigger than I wanted and 5 MP is fine ,sooo, it was the 450
Am using a SanDisk 512 MP II card, the camera is lightening, images are wonderful, the instruction book is fairly good, I just got it last night, took over 100 pictures today, we had a really nasty fog here in NYC, the 450 captured it beautifully.
I have seen some remarks about short battery life, I used the lcd for half of the pictures and shut it off for the other half, battery still hot.
Alot of these cameras with large lcd displays do not have an optical viewfinder, if you shoot with the sun in back of you, the screen is impossible to see, not with the Canon, use the optical viewfinder, a few others have done this, but Canon has the best one, I wear glasses and have no problem seeing thru it.

ok, the pluses, all
negatives, none

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