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Canon PowerShot S80 Digital Camera Sample Photos

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Marketed: 23-Aug-2005
Megapixels: 8
Random Canon PowerShot S80 Samples from 16051 available Photos more
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Guest 24-Aug-2006 11:16
I would not recommend it for your aging parents or in-laws, unless they happen to be professional photographers The Powershot S80's advanced features are more likely to appeal to folks with more photographic experience.

1. Slightly larger than the Canon Elph series, although it still fits in my pocket.
2. Shutter can stay open only 15 seconds maximum (I would of liked at least 30 seconds for nighttime exporsures).
3. The provided 32Mb SD memory card is only big enough for about 9 images at full resolution, so you'll want to add a 1 Gig SD memory.
4. You can buy one for less than four hundred dollars (check out some NYC camera stores).
5. The camera does not come with a leather camera case. However, you can purchase the Canon S80 kit to get an extra Li-ion battery, a nice leather camera case, and neckstrap for about US$60.

1. Controls are very intuitive.
2. Large LCD makes reading the menus easier, even without my reading glasses.
3. Advanced user manual is straightforward.
4. The ease of reading the large (2.5 inch) LCD makes learning dozens of powerful features much easier than the labryinthinan Fuji FinePix point control system.
5. Downloads via the Canon suite of Ulead Zoombrowser tools is much easier than the earlier versions of Zoombrowser I had used with my other Canon Photoshot digital cameras
6. Althogh I have not purchased a water-tight case for underwater photography yet, Canon makes one and it is reasonably priced (about US$150).
7. The movie mode (640 x 480, 30 frames per second) is handy, especially with a Gig of memory to store long movie clips.
8. The software includes Photostitch 3.1, one of the better tools for creating panoramas.

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Rachel15-Nov-2005 03:34
I just bought this camera last week, so far I love it
leave for Thailand Thur, will be taking lots of pictures for 3 weeks, will post them when I get home


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