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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot S30

Canon PowerShot S30 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Dec-2001
Megapixels: 3.2
Random Canon PowerShot S30 Samples from 22871 available Photos more
u46/hjsteed/medium/29896521.021216SistineMuralatIntersectionofLafayetteBond.jpg u45/pkotla/medium/29299138.1343433_IMG.jpg u34/buckets/medium/31238653.3454537_IMG.jpg u47/bromic/medium/30385698.IMG_7049.jpg
u13/pagaia/medium/38666862.IMG_8084_10_1_1.jpg u38/pkotla/medium/32082249.small1383872_IMG.jpg u7/keith_johnson/medium/6562304.021027012518S.jpg g4/26/411626/3/64024566.SjM2VO8C.jpg
u8/kirsti1234/medium/37537949.1454598_IMG.jpg u29/buckets/medium/17444567.3404050_IMG.jpg g1/34/271834/3/146359771.RmpunnRO.jpg u49/beulahchapel/medium/36320879.2004NovHaitinetHaiti457.jpg

Guest 22-Jun-2007 06:28
It's good to take a picture of landscape but I had a hard time when I took a face of human. I failed to adjust to its colour so I sold it through internet. :(

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