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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot A720 IS

Canon PowerShot A720 IS Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Aug-2007
Megapixels: 8
Random Canon PowerShot A720 IS Samples from 21230 available Photos more
g1/15/752115/3/105979775.KcxWZHrg.jpg g1/07/808107/3/115863090.fLUikpzq.jpg g1/57/393457/3/105111439.t2rtWzGn.jpg g1/33/867033/3/118306802.TZ2YERt3.jpg
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Hernan E. Enriquez11-Jun-2012 01:52
I loved this camera in 2008, after braking it a year later I just bought another one (KEH), with the optical viewfinder it is a great camera to keep in the car!
Hernan E. Enriquez11-May-2008 00:33
I have an S2 IS and an A530, I bought my A720 this morning to sort of bridge the gap and I think it is a great camera,it shoot very well from the car. I set my exp. com. to -1/3.
Guest 27-Dec-2007 12:25
I needed something compact to complement my 400D and the A720IS was my choice (as I already had an old A75). The camera produces great photos but one big thing that stands out is the flash recycle time. When batteries are not so fresh, it can take up to 6-7 seonds before you can take another shot.

A stupid idea on Canon's behalf to go from 4AA batteries to 2. The advantage of reducing the weight is insignificant compared to having to deal with extremelly long flash recycle times. If it wasn't for this - I would have recommended this camera to everybody. 8 megapixels with 6x stabilised zoom and full manual controls and relatively cheap.
oddlegs14-Nov-2007 00:59
The Missus prefers this to the Fuji equivalents as she needs an optical viewfinder. Noisier, but not bad at low iso, and higher iso up to 400 cleans up nicely. 36 - 200 zoom nice too but lens better when stopped down a little. Image stabilisation works very well - copes with shots inside a moving car. Blown highlights can be reduced by setting exposure compensation to -1/3 and reducing contrast in custom settings.
Sandy Howell04-Oct-2007 00:57
I have 2 dslrs and an S3IS but wanted a little camera for my purse. The A720IS is a great value for the money and has some features I expected to be useless that turned out to be quite functional.

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