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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS Rebel T1i

Canon EOS Rebel T1i SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Canon EOS Kiss X3 in Japan.
Also known as Canon EOS 500D
Marketed: 25-Mar-2009
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 15.1
Random Canon EOS Rebel T1i Samples from 95890 available Photos more
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pegasusbsb2709-Dec-2010 14:08
I've bought mine in August this year. I love it!! :D
Guest 05-Mar-2010 15:24
I know, just bought it! When will we get a camera page dedicated to this model? Bye the way, it is absolutely fab. I keep taking photos on the way to work, at work and on the way home from work. Looking forward to the weekend - tjo hoo!
Guest 13-Feb-2010 14:26
550d t2i is out now
Bernard Davis24-Dec-2009 10:32
Had mine for four days now and I'm very impressed with the camera, seems a big improvement after my 350D.
Trevor Edwards20-Oct-2009 19:54
Really enjoying my 500D/T1i.
Has anyone tried bracketing for HDR yet with it?
LW Hovelkamp01-Oct-2009 21:01
I think it's a nice camera, just started working with it. I am no pro though, hehe.
Martin Lamoon13-Aug-2009 10:37
Still really please with this camera and rarely used my 50D! seems to work well with my Sigma 18 - 250mm, posted more with iso samples.
Guest 29-May-2009 23:57
Just got 500D 3 days ago ad am putting it through its paces (gradually). Images are crisp, good detail and the high ISO noise performance is good, apparently comparable with the more expensive 50D. Nice and light to carry, am using 24-105L, 100-400L IS and 70-300IS.
Martin Lamoon25-Apr-2009 07:28
More Pictures added to really please with camera so far. Will be adding iso 1600 later today
Martin Lamoon22-Apr-2009 03:47
Just picked up from Jessops UK Tuesday pm. It seems to be very good.

Compared it with Canon EOS 50D (Same chip set) and it is really Good, although I prefer the controls on the 50D. Video is jerky, but they did say that and I need practice with it! Few pictures posted and will put more up soon.

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