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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 3

Canon EOS 3 SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1998
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EOS 3 Samples from 4402 available Photos more
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@ Bruce Gilling05-Mar-2009 03:11
An amzing camera that can be bougHt chaep now I got one on Ebay for $180 with power booster it has a better view finder and focusing than my 5d mk2 and its also weather sealedand built like a tank also I scan my film negatives to 230 mb files with much better colors than digital !
John Falkenstine01-Jan-2008 00:11
My Canon EOS-3 sits idle most of the time. Why? Its a very nice camera, but I find the controls non-intuitive and it needs very expensive Canon lenses to really show its best. Lenses at a reasonable cost are the achilles heel of the Canon concept. I would say that in terms of settings and control input this camera has too many things going on for me, the power switch is a fragile little lever and folks; this camera is NOT sealed against the elements.
Guest 14-Mar-2007 11:41
Such a great, ergonomic, powerful, clever, sized and wonderful beast. I have one and need (want) more!
Guest 04-Mar-2007 14:06
I am looking for an EOS3 body, lightly used / excellent condition.
Signature Prints Photography29-Mar-2006 07:53
I have two and love both of them
D. Welch29-Dec-2004 03:06
I love THis Camera

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