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Canon EOS 1Ds SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Nov-2002
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 11.1
Random Canon EOS 1Ds Samples from 21097 available Photos more
g4/09/9909/3/63670476.tRXN3xTi.jpg u40/davidroyimages/medium/40211549.87.jpg g5/74/465374/3/99605928.h7g5qhoF.jpg g3/51/386151/3/51918360.1Ds_06132a_dpp_pbase3.jpg
g3/55/26055/3/54899467.F85U0127.jpg g6/99/566699/3/85215784.oMui2q45.jpg g6/55/26055/3/70104137.dFebbuTK.jpg g3/99/566699/3/96764071.6zgVrs4O.jpg
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Johnny VG16-Jul-2009 12:48
Just want to say - Great Camera (also experienced with 10-20-30-50D, 1DIII), BUT not to be disappointed with, all you must remember about device - this is ISO-100 ONLY CAMERA, be careful with iso200, very rare - iso400 and never 800 and above. So youll get fantastic images, great Pro-feel body, etc. If you can play with BibblePro - possibilities will expand to iso640 with no quality loss. iso50 - useless feature here.
And the key conclusion -YES, 5D IQ is better, but only in terms of noise and when they are (pictures) out of the camera and untouched with computer software, JPEGS - 5D better. But why you sould do jpeg with this camera? RAW only!
Pay attention and knowledge to process 1Ds result in DPP or ALR with Bibble - there will be no difference with 5D(up to 40*60cm prints), but for the same price ($1300-$1700 for used body, less then 20k actuations) - amazing AF system, much better metering, 100% viewfinder (and brighter then 5D)....go PRO Level.
About speed - say YES - SLOOOOW.....if you need more then 3fps (meanwhile 10frame buffer is quite enough), often need review photos on LCD?, check focus on LCD with zooming?....will never work as you expect this.....others are much better.
Guest 05-Apr-2008 20:46
1Ds digital vs 5D ? which one is better ?
Different Level but 5D got a newer technology. How do you think ?

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