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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM

Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1992
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Samples from 13508 available Photos more
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Serhan15-Apr-2008 21:17
I shot the Sakura Matsuri-Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC with my 85mm f/1.8 and 135L combo on my 40D. It is an excellent combination for event shooting to get the background out of focus. It is the first time I used the 85mm and I am happy with the results. You can check my gallery if you want to see the differences btw 85mm & 135mm:
RS Photography31-Jan-2008 10:23
Sylvain B.: Actually the CA examples you gave are caused by high contrast photos. CA can be caused two ways. One the lens elements bending different light wavelengths, causing them to shift slightly. Second, Overexposed pixels creep into dark areas next to them. All your photos have the CA at the overexposed highlights with the darkest pixel directly next to it. This is not the fault of the lens as those are extreme cases. The high contrast this lens has will make it prone to this kind of CA. I do not recommend using this lens with high contrast scenes. It is a portrait lens and I also don't recommend it for landscapes wide open. Stopping it down solves the problem. Thats why you don't see this in other lenses that cannot be as wide a aperture.
Sylvain B.24-Dec-2007 03:56
Since some people have been asking me for samples...Here you go!
Bad CA on product pic (natural light):
Bad CA on my cat portrait (natural light):
Portrait at f2.0:
Same portrait (different angle) with 50mm at f1.4:
Both portraits are hand hold, point'n'shot, natural light. The 85mm is a good lens but 50mm is better IMHO
Agostino Faggiotto08-Dec-2007 22:12
Appreciate the selective focus and the soft blur of the out-of-focus areas.
This shot was taken at f/1.8 under artificial light.
1600 ISO with a little help from Noise Ninja.
Anything wrong with this lens?
I bet Kubrick would have used it in Barry Lindon (see fist comment in:
for details)
Agostino Faggiotto01-Dec-2007 09:43
Some may think you are picky, Sylvain.
In my view this is an amazing lens.
Certainly in harsh situations you can see color fringes, but how often would one look for this type of light in portraits?

See this example.
Sylvain B.12-Nov-2007 02:16
A disappointing prime.
Pros: fast focus, accurate, *very* nice bokeh (background blur 'quality').
Cons: severe CA (chromatic aberration or "purple fringing") on high contrast areas. This is extremely disappointing for a prime lens.

Perfect focal distance and depth of field for portraiture and product photography (my main use). However the bad CA make it sometime unusable for me.
Better go for either the 50mm f1.4 (much sharper, no CA, bigger aperture) or 135mm f2 L if you can afford.
Agostino Faggiotto23-Oct-2007 21:21
Pure butter!
and following one
Tim Masih05-Jul-2007 14:18
All hail the mighty Canon 85mm f/1.8 !

To elaborate, a fantastic portrait lens, with jaw dropping sharpness at all apertures. The bokeh is also outstanding - creamy, buttery, milky, smooth. Excellent contrast, vivid colours and a very decent price tag as well.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 19:18
Excellent lens for portraiture light, F/1:1.8, stunning performance.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 19:15
Excelratlens choice for porture work with a reasonable price (Adorama highly recommanded)
Guest 28-May-2007 12:11
85 mm f1.8 is a very good lens, but 135 mm f2 L is best for portraits.
Guest 17-Apr-2007 08:53
Very fast focusing ,very sharp, light, great portrait lens, for the money a great buy.
Steven Noyes22-Oct-2006 01:31
This is among my favorite lenses and is used mostly for stitching. It gives sharp images with consistent brightness across the frame from f5.6 and smaller. At f11-f16, this lens performs stunningly for doing lightning:

to standard landscapes:

I have found this lens can be susceptible to fine dust when back-packing and care should be taken to keep it out of heavy dust environments.
Guest 08-Oct-2006 08:33
its simply the best portrait lens for good value
Guest 24-Aug-2006 13:33
This was my second prime lens, the first being the "I-am-prime-too-50/1.8" lens and I specifically bought this to shoot a badminton tournament (and more for the future). FYI, badminton tournaments are definitely 1.8 situations at ISO 1600 and no flash permitted. And what a lens!

The focus is absolutely sharp, crisp with gorgeous bokeh to make the subjects stand out. I took photos of professional badminton players (USA rank 1-5) and emailed it to them. Even though I am a serious amateur, they replied back saying the photos were gorgeous and amazing, and loved it. I shot the complete tournament at 1.8 ISO 800/1600 and have absolutely pleasing results.

On just one or two occasions, the focus was hunting, but I would put that down as a one off occasion as there was aboslutely very challenging situations - moving subjects in low light. The focus is quick and absolutely smooth, no noise at all.

The lens is compact, not at all heavy and is perfect portrait lens. My only disappointment is that it comes without a hood, and even if I buy a Canon hood, it does not have the same look as other (say, Tamron 28-75 2.8 hood is a really good looking hood) hoods.

The relationship between the background and the foreground is something that impressed me with this lens, especially for an 85mm focal length. The lens makes the subjects stand out and you dont need to stop down for sharpness. I know I am going to keep this baby at 1.8 at all times in future.

This in concert with my 50 1.8 for wider angle situations like awards and group snaps, the photos are absolutely stunning. The reviews I received for my photos are pretty good, thanks to this lens with my 20D.

I am sold on primes now and will probably end up buying more primes than zoom lenses. Go on Canon, put a red ring around it!

Definitely 5 stars.

Other lenses considered before this purchase - 85/1.8, 100/2, 135/2L and to a small extent, 200/2.8L. Finally chose the 85/1.8 due to the 1.8 and the effective focal length on 20D with 85mm. No buyer's regret, I am very pleased with my purchase now.

Next Review:

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Guest 05-Jun-2006 05:39
I have yet to see a more outstanding, full-sized image from this 85mm f/1.8 lens, taken with a 5D, than Ron Purdy's studio portrait. Details at :>
Guest 30-Mar-2006 12:23
Great value lens! Easy to work with and every picture is a keeper.
Check my samples here:
Guest 07-Mar-2006 17:11
One of the best value lens! Fast USM focus, very lightweight, and the best of all, awesome picture quality. Some sample wedding picture:
Definitely my fave for this kind of event.
Guest 24-Nov-2005 16:41
Has to be one of the best value for money lenses Canon makes. Pretty good at f1.8, awsome from f2.8 upwards. My current favourite.

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