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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 500mm f/4.5L USM

Canon EF 500mm f/4.5L USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1992
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 500mm f/4.5L USM Samples from 3426 available Photos more
g1/91/891391/3/117909226.1mEz5bMp.jpg g4/91/891391/3/134150691.KfOBojCv.jpg g4/91/891391/3/137889923.mirEha9Q.jpg g1/47/966747/3/129072373.kd4nqIES.jpg
g12/45/685845/3/172528502.EDDNMDd8.jpg g9/45/685845/3/160622972.dWIfylPr.jpg g6/82/193082/3/70423102.1F0ylJt6.jpg g4/91/891391/3/143073882.l5SXq8m5.jpg
g2/91/891391/3/148097460.StQ0ahHP.jpg g12/24/785124/3/91936094.VzkG1PvY.jpg g2/01/927801/3/148283653.xxhqlbUu.jpg g4/41/707241/3/134105939.twjOaTx2.jpg

newyorkbirder03-Dec-2009 15:06
Anyone selling their 500 4.5 anytime soon? Please email me at

Guest 19-Jun-2006 10:41
A lens with a steep learning curve, but these tips from experienced users should be of considerable help :>
Gary Haley14-Jun-2005 04:22
I believe this should be the Canon EF 500mm f/4.5L USM

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