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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM

Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1999
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM Samples from 38408 available Photos more
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Mike07-Apr-2013 18:49
I have owned several "L" zoom lenses in the past but nothing really compares with the sharpness out of this lens. It is ridiculously good.
Abdul Rahim Al Maimani13-Mar-2009 07:25
One of the best lenses I have ever used. Worth even cent and penny to get it.
You will only regret if you don't own it
Guest 04-Mar-2009 03:42
How much do I love my 300mm f/2.8L IS?
It's quite possible I'll be buried with it!
Guest 01-Feb-2009 18:20
Best lens I have ever owned, and I have the latest Canon 1.2L 85mm
Its pin sharp, way better than my 2.8L 70-200MM for colors and sharpnes.
If you can afford it you wont regreat it. I sold my 300mm 2.8L none IS to get this.
The none IS version was sharper but the colors were no way as good, and it was hit and miss if you got a pin sharp image because its heavier with no IS so you shake after an hour or so with it.
The IS version gets clear sharp shots nearly all the time with the IS on and with it off you still get lots of clear shots due to the weight reduction from the old model.

I cant say enough about this lens, its on my camera all the time, in fact in the past 8 months of owning it I have only used my 70-200mm 2.8L once.
Devilgorgor12-Mar-2008 05:41
to me, this lens is not sharp than 200mm 1.8L USM
Tim Rucci04-Oct-2007 13:57
For anyone considering the Canon 300 f2.8L IS lens, I can tell you that it's worth every penny of the price. The lens is super sharp, and can be shot wide open at f2.8 without the fear of getting soft images. It focuses super fast, and is also equipped with a focus preset that allows you to photograph two different subjects in quick succession. You can be photographing the pitcher delivering a pitch at a baseball game from behind the plate and also photograph the batter swinging at the same pitch by using the focus preset that you have set beforehand on the batter. With it's wide f2.8 aperture, it will provide 4 times the shutter speed of a typical f5.6 zoom lens, and that's one reason why you see a bunch of these white Canon super telephoto lenses at nearly all sporting events.
This wide aperture also allows you to nicely blur backgrounds to make your subjects stand out in the photo.

The image stabilization system is very effective and the 3-stage focus limit switch allows you to choose the distance range to make focusing even faster.

The 300 is the smallest of Canon's super telephoto lenses and weighs only 6 pounds, which is exactly half the weight of the 400mm f2.8. This makes the 300 easy to carry around and use hand-held without getting tired, and is great when used with a monopod. I have carried mine around and shot it hand held for nearly half a day with no problems. The 300 f2.8 is probably the best glass you can possibly own in the Canon system. I've used it with the Canon 1.4x extender, and plan to get the 2x extender to use with it soon.

You can see many photos taken with this lens in my pbase gallieries.
Guest 03-Sep-2006 10:40
terrific crystal clear handheld pictures.

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