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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM

Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1995
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM Samples from 758 available Photos more
g4/86/10286/3/62289890.XD6eHfXd.jpg g6/78/5978/3/75420388.v4ox9ykC.jpg g5/97/684897/3/101204277.hjRrtVlr.jpg g6/78/5978/3/71652629.dPytVdk4.jpg
g5/36/563536/3/99236982.EdzmVfoc.jpg g1/36/563536/3/112899239.ZpUW8vcY.jpg g3/72/30872/3/58519345.CRW_0079.jpg g4/36/563536/3/140628339.b5Scj9rP.jpg
g6/78/5978/3/75606402.I08MKmWU.jpg g12/06/4106/3/172185179.eZwUGTyr.jpg g13/06/4106/3/173169245.50f140cf.JPEG g1/36/563536/3/92605363.QktI0RB6.jpg

Phil Smith09-May-2008 14:06
A nice 'cheap' lens for the price; it takes sharp photos. I use this lens at my weddings.
Steven Noyes18-Nov-2006 00:52
A great lens that is sharp and contrasty. I have found AF to be quick and accurate. A few samples:


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