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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon 500D Close-up

Canon 500D Close-up Lens Sample Photos

Random Canon 500D Close-up Samples from 22 available Photos more
g2/43/846943/3/149780504.qd9rkmWb.jpg g1/63/228863/3/115570924.lo2vSmcn.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149780860.QWTyq10x.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149609404.KybkSWfL.jpg
g2/43/846943/3/149780502.z8Ju6ALn.jpg u20/davidroyimages/medium/12943782.Temeculacarshow239.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149615363.6Seg9sn9.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149615355.gjxTfFdc.jpg
u34/davecq/medium/31167178.Hoverfly02.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149615834.vomtRD52.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149615836.N7JADryq.jpg g2/43/846943/3/149615358.4MrivMe0.jpg

Guest 29-Nov-2006 05:29
An absolutely fabulous closeup filter ... who cares if it's a Canon product, as it's a firm favorite amongst Nikon photographers as well. When attached to the Nikkor 70-200mm lens for example, one gets to shoot fantastic closeup shots of nature, and enjoy the benefits of vibration reduction and zoom at the same time. One such example is documented at :>

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