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Funnel Cake

Adams Ave Street Fair

Casio EX-Z750
1/125s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cliff02-Mar-2007 19:12
Nice image.
I've seen these but never tried one.
Are they tasty ?
Guest 02-Mar-2007 17:43
Darn. Thanks to Wikipedia, I know now that this is not live bait!
Martha Albuquerque02-Mar-2007 16:44
interesting image! like it!
Jen Bixler02-Mar-2007 13:55
All I see are muscles and feet! Oh, there's the food! ;o)))
Deborah Lewis02-Mar-2007 11:01
Hope you didn't eat the whole thing!
olivier bruning02-Mar-2007 10:59
recipe please!!!!!!!!
Guest 02-Mar-2007 08:44
very inviting.
Maaike Huizer02-Mar-2007 08:09
Looks delicious.
j>a>e>17 :):):)02-Mar-2007 07:23
don't mind if I do
vampires nightly nourishment
thanx dude for sharing

"17" ahoooooooooooooooooos, john :):):)
Debbie B.02-Mar-2007 06:21
Cindi Smith02-Mar-2007 06:03
That'll add some pounds! I'd eat it all! Now, I'm hungry!
Adalberto Tiburzi02-Mar-2007 05:13
Love the POV, looks like you put your mouth in the viewer instead of the eye.
angelique raptakis02-Mar-2007 04:46
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