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Mark C | all galleries >> Bird >> Bird Collection DXO >> Flight & Action > DSC_9214.jpg
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Greet van der Meulen09-Feb-2012 18:22
What a moment! Very well caught!! Love your light, colours and background! V
robertoparmiggiani17-May-2011 12:27
Great shot V
T. Richard Chen26-May-2009 01:13
Wow! Your brain, eyes and the finger worked perfectly together at the same moment. A great picture.
Guest 11-Aug-2008 17:10
Incredible shot Mark. Amazing work to get this shot. Congrats.
Nick Powell11-Aug-2008 16:54
A superb shot, well done!
Naret Visesvongsa04-Jul-2008 12:08
Great action shot Vote.
Tom Cagle04-Jul-2008 12:05
Amazing captue, v
Robert Dupuis14-Nov-2007 00:28
I love this picture
Mike Loring Photography08-Aug-2007 13:36
Awesome capture Great Job
Guest 07-Aug-2007 18:40
Geat shot!